When the US Dollar gets stronger, it takes fewer dollars to buy any commodity that is priced in $USD. When the US Dollar gets weaker it takes more dollars to purchase the same commodity.
The price of all US Dollar denominated commodities, like gold, will change to reflect the fact that it will take fewer or more dollars to buy that commodity. So it’s quite possible, in fact it’s almost always the case that a portion of the change in the price of gold is really just a reflection of a change in the value of the US Dollar. Sometimes that portion is insignificant. But often the opposite is true where the entire change in the gold price is simply a mathematical recalculation of an ever-changing US Dollar value.
When the dollar gets strong, gold appears to go down, and vice versa. That accounts for part of the fluctuations that we see in the value of gold.
The other part is an actual increase in the supply or demand for gold. If the price is higher when being measured not only in US Dollars, but also in Euros, Pounds Sterling, Japanese Yen, and every other major currency, then we know the gold demand is higher and it has actually increased in value.
Consequently, if gold is higher in US Dollars while at the same time cheaper in every other currency, then we can conclude that the US Dollar has weakened, and that gold has actually lost value in all other currencies. But the price, because it is being quoted in $USD will be higher and give the illusion of gold becoming more valuable. In such a case the devaluation of gold, due to increased supply on the market, is camouflaged by a weakened US Dollar.
Our feature on kitco.com breaks the change of the price of gold into 2 components. One part shows you how much of that change can be attributed to US Dollar strength, or lack of it. The other portion is indicative of how much the price changed as a result of normal trading. Interestingly whatever changes happen to the price of gold as a result of US Dollar strength/weakness also occurs to every other US Dollar denominated commodity by the exact same proportion.
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Dinar dan purchasing power untuk Haji
Kos untuk menunaikan haji pada tahun 2006 adalah sekitar
RM 10,000, Mari kita congak bagaimana simpan dinar lebih untung.....
Tahun 2002 - 1 Dinar = RM 140.00, Perlu 72 Dinar
Tahun 2003 - 1 Dinar = RM 168.00, perlu 60 Dinar
Tahun 2004 - 1 Dinar = RM 202.00, perlu 50 Dinar
Tahun 2005 - 1 Dinar = RM 242.00, perlu 42 Dinar
Tahun 2006 - 1 Dinar = RM 290.00, perlu 34 Dinar
Tahun 2007 - 1 Dinar = RM 348.00, perlu 29 Dinar
Tahun 2008 - 1 Dinar = RM 418.00, perlu 23 Dinar
Tahun 2009 - 1 Dinar = RM 502.00, perlu 20 Dinar
Tahun 2010 – 1 Dinar harga sekitar RM600... brp dinarkah perlu untuk naik haji tahun ini???
Yaa... lebih kurang 16 Dinar. Jadi dengan menyimpan dinar emas ia meningkatkan purchasing power untuk menampung kos tambang haji.
Bagi tahun 2010 pakej untuk mengerjakan haji meningkat kepada lebih kurang RM 13,000 tetapi Kerajaan memberi bantuan sebanyak lebih kurang RM 3060 menjadikan dalam anggaran RM 9980.
Jadi...simpanlah dinar emas anda untuk pelaburan dan simpanan anda untuk pergi haji...
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Istimewanya pelaburan emas fizikal ini ialah kita boleh jualkan ketika kemuncak emas sedang naik. Tidak seperti pelaburan lain (Saham Amanah) yang perlu menunggu tempoh matang sesuatu pelaburan genap satu tahun. Bagi pelaburan emas fizikal kita boleh jual ketika harga emas sedang tinggi seperti contoh graf diatas rekod 2009. Sekiranya kita beli emas pada 2hb Januari 2009 harganya ialah USD869 per oz tetapi harga emas naik paling tinggi ialah pada 3 Dec 2009 iaitu USD1218 per oz iaitu naik 49.8 peratus. Kemudian turun sedikit sehingga akhir Dec 09. Bagi pelabur emas fizikal ia boleh buat keputusan untuk kaut untung pada masa tersebut. Tidak pada pelaburan lain.
Saturday, October 16, 2010

Sambil berbual bual pasal dinar dan emas kepada seorang rakan pejabat, dia ada teringat yang ada membeli sekeping coin pada thn 1971 semasa zaman tunku Abd Rahman. Tapi dah lupa dimana dia simpan sebab dah berpindah rumah sebab beli rumah lain.Rumah lama asyik kena banjir jaa. Saya minta dia cari dan kalau ada saya nak beli. Dia kata ok nanti dia cari sebab dah lama tak tengok coin tu. Maka jumpa lah coin tu. Dia bawa dan tunjuk pada saya. Saya minta beli RM2k++++ dia kata ambillah,,,tapi dia nak bawa balik kejap nak ambil gambar kenangan kat coin tu...Mlm tu dia call tak jadi jual pulakkkk. Sebab apa mesti ada sebab punya..Sebelum ini dia tak peduli harga emas..sekarang dia sedar harga emas dan nilai sejarah coin tu..Semasa dia beli tahun 1971 RM 100 tapi sekarang nilainya RM2.5k++++ sebab emas 916 beratnya 18.66 gram.
Ini bukti nyata yang emas adalah komoditi yang kebal kalis inflasi..Walau lama manapun usianya..tetapi nilainya tetap unggul..Sekiranya yang disimpannya itu duit kertas (fiat money) tulis tertera seratus ringgit apa yg berlaku pada note kertas itu???
Keputusan bijak...bertindak segera dengan invest dalam emas fizikal.
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Gold prices reach $1,360 after Federal Reserve minutes-Sergei Balashov-Proactive Investors
Gold prices reach $1,360 after Federal Reserve minutes-Sergei Balashov-Proactive Investors
Tidak Terdapat Terjemahan
Gold prices reach $1,360 after Federal Reserve minutes
Wednesday, October 13, 2010 by Sergei Balashov
Gold got close to its recent record level of US$1,364.9/oz after the US dollar slipped on the back of yesterday's minutes from the latest meeting of the Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC), showed increasing support for further quantitative easing.
Commodity and currency markets
did not respond for the news immediately, however, after a short pause, gold started going up, while the US dollar fell against other major currencies with the EUR/USD rate sliding to nearly 1.40.
The Federal Reserve is expected to print more money and buy more debt, which would boost inflation and provide more support for the ongoing recovery.
Gold is seen as one of the main safe haven assets and an inflation hedge, as well as an alternative investment to the US dollar, usually moving inversely to the American currency.
Goldman Sachs (NYSE:GS) has upped its price targets for gold to US$1,400/oz, US$1,525/oz for three and six months respectively.
The investment bank's 12 month forecast was raised to US$1,650/oz.
Gold stood at US$1,360/oz in late afternoon. Silver and platinum followed, reaching US$23.55/oz and US$1,696/oz respectively.
Major mining stocks were in demand today. Gold producers African Barrick Gold (LON:ABG) and Randgold Resources (LON:RRS) advanced 3.2% and 2%. Silver miner Fresnillo (LON:FRES) also gained 2%, while platinum miner Lonmin (LON:LMI) climbed 3%.
Midcaps did even better as Aquarius Platinum (LON:AQP) and gold miner Petropavlovsk (LON:POG) rallied 5.5% and 4.4% respectively, while silver producer Hochschild Mining (LON:HOC) added 2.3%.
Zheng Guang gold-silver-zinc project in Heilongjiang Leyshon Resources (LON:LRL) and Australia operating gold miner GGG Resources (LON:GGG) were among the top performing stocks in the sector with gains of 11% and 10% respectively.
South Africa and Mozambique focused gold miner Pan African Resources (LON:PAF) 8%.
Source: http://www.proactiveinvestors.co.uk/companies/news/22036/gold-prices-reach-1360-after-federal-reserve-minutes-22036.htm/
Tidak Terdapat Terjemahan
Gold prices reach $1,360 after Federal Reserve minutes
Wednesday, October 13, 2010 by Sergei Balashov
Gold got close to its recent record level of US$1,364.9/oz after the US dollar slipped on the back of yesterday's minutes from the latest meeting of the Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC), showed increasing support for further quantitative easing.
Commodity and currency markets
did not respond for the news immediately, however, after a short pause, gold started going up, while the US dollar fell against other major currencies with the EUR/USD rate sliding to nearly 1.40.
The Federal Reserve is expected to print more money and buy more debt, which would boost inflation and provide more support for the ongoing recovery.
Gold is seen as one of the main safe haven assets and an inflation hedge, as well as an alternative investment to the US dollar, usually moving inversely to the American currency.
Goldman Sachs (NYSE:GS) has upped its price targets for gold to US$1,400/oz, US$1,525/oz for three and six months respectively.
The investment bank's 12 month forecast was raised to US$1,650/oz.
Gold stood at US$1,360/oz in late afternoon. Silver and platinum followed, reaching US$23.55/oz and US$1,696/oz respectively.
Major mining stocks were in demand today. Gold producers African Barrick Gold (LON:ABG) and Randgold Resources (LON:RRS) advanced 3.2% and 2%. Silver miner Fresnillo (LON:FRES) also gained 2%, while platinum miner Lonmin (LON:LMI) climbed 3%.
Midcaps did even better as Aquarius Platinum (LON:AQP) and gold miner Petropavlovsk (LON:POG) rallied 5.5% and 4.4% respectively, while silver producer Hochschild Mining (LON:HOC) added 2.3%.
Zheng Guang gold-silver-zinc project in Heilongjiang Leyshon Resources (LON:LRL) and Australia operating gold miner GGG Resources (LON:GGG) were among the top performing stocks in the sector with gains of 11% and 10% respectively.
South Africa and Mozambique focused gold miner Pan African Resources (LON:PAF) 8%.
Source: http://www.proactiveinvestors.co.uk/companies/news/22036/gold-prices-reach-1360-after-federal-reserve-minutes-22036.htm/
2010 London Gold Fixings GOLD A.M. GOLD P.M.
04-Jan-10 1113.00 686.825 774.261 1121.50 693.483 777.470
05-Jan-10 1125.25 701.702 779.529 1123.25 700.324 779.385
06-Jan-10 1125.00 702.774 783.317 1130.00 708.020 786.579
07-Jan-10 1130.75 709.468 787.650 1130.25 710.090 789.060
08-Jan-10 1121.75 699.913 783.400 1126.75 704.395 786.837
11-Jan-10 1158.00 716.318 797.740 1153.00 714.817 794.351
12-Jan-10 1152.75 713.821 794.836 1151.25 712.495 793.145
13-Jan-10 1132.75 697.377 780.615 1127.25 693.266 776.343
14-Jan-10 1137.50 698.710 783.834 1138.25 698.099 785.921
15-Jan-10 1132.00 695.332 786.652 1128.00 692.875 784.969
18-Jan-10 1135.75 694.181 789.702 1134.50 695.159 788.614
19-Jan-10 1134.00 691.295 791.126 1133.00 691.866 792.862
20-Jan-10 1129.00 693.574 796.080 1120.25 686.975 792.648
21-Jan-10 1104.00 682.830 785.597 1108.25 682.967 786.049
22-Jan-10 1096.50 674.603 774.364 1084.00 673.669 768.086
25-Jan-10 1103.50 682.352 777.825 1095.25 676.581 774.028
26-Jan-10 1090.75 676.644 773.582 1093.25 677.480 777.450
27-Jan-10 1094.75 675.022 778.019 1094.75 676.147 779.181
28-Jan-10 1091.75 672.260 779.209 1088.00 671.854 779.370
29-Jan-10 1082.75 670.641 775.442 1078.50 672.423 775.397
01-Feb-10 1082.00 682.004 778.137 1086.50 683.076 781.655
02-Feb-10 1114.00 699.309 798.795 1111.00 696.945 796.816
03-Feb-10 1118.50 698.931 798.586 1115.25 698.603 799.577
04-Feb-10 1102.50 695.671 796.259 1083.25 685.601 784.395
05-Feb-10 1052.25 670.010 769.020 1058.00 676.471 773.675
08-Feb-10 1070.00 686.822 780.623 1064.00 682.139 778.860
09-Feb-10 1068.00 685.758 778.029 1071.25 685.468 779.544
10-Feb-10 1075.50 685.079 780.309 1069.50 685.841 779.519
11-Feb-10 1079.50 691.322 784.520 1076.25 690.037 788.635
12-Feb-10 1078.25 690.389 795.346 1082.00 692.702 795.413
15-Feb-10 1099.50 701.212 807.209 1098.25 701.309 808.072
16-Feb-10 1115.25 710.577 816.315 1115.25 713.075 816.674
17-Feb-10 1118.25 709.100 813.805 1119.00 709.845 817.027
18-Feb-10 1105.50 708.109 813.765 1118.00 714.240 820.129
19-Feb-10 1107.00 719.485 819.696 1112.75 721.815 824.198
22-Feb-10 1119.75 723.820 822.862 1115.25 720.818 820.459
23-Feb-10 1112.00 721.516 816.926 1107.00 716.737 816.854
24-Feb-10 1093.00 707.764 806.523 1103.00 714.378 812.403
25-Feb-10 1092.75 713.936 809.085 1094.50 715.453 810.321
26-Feb-10 1112.50 728.600 817.594 1108.25 731.180 816.932
01-Mar-10 1117.25 742.655 819.940 1114.00 746.149 824.269
02-Mar-10 1116.00 747.438 826.973 1126.50 752.857 831.243
03-Mar-10 1136.25 755.536 834.067 1136.50 754.648 832.906
04-Mar-10 1136.25 753.032 831.017 1134.50 750.331 831.745
05-Mar-10 1135.00 755.006 834.989 1135.00 755.307 836.527
08-Mar-10 1134.00 749.207 831.317 1125.75 743.904 823.519
09-Mar-10 1120.00 748.963 824.317 1115.75 744.330 821.431
10-Mar-10 1124.50 754.242 827.629 1120.50 750.050 822.687
11-Mar-10 1106.00 736.450 809.723 1104.00 735.608 809.028
12-Mar-10 1118.75 737.962 811.806 1106.25 730.777 805.717
15-Mar-10 1104.00 733.652 804.606 1104.25 733.429 807.495
16-Mar-10 1113.25 737.398 813.363 1124.75 740.893 817.168
17-Mar-10 1131.25 736.491 820.757 1121.75 732.356 815.818
18-Mar-10 1122.75 734.159 820.724 1122.75 734.448 821.504
19-Mar-10 1121.5 740.753 826.577 1105.5 736.754 818.343
22-Mar-10 1104.25 736.167 816.270 1097.25 728.054 810.676
23-Mar-10 1100.75 733.247 814.465 1101.50 731.359 814.177
24-Mar-10 1094.00 731.870 819.353 1090.75 731.605 816.491
25-Mar-10 1093.50 730.754 819.224 1093.00 734.543 818.788
26-Mar-10 1098.00 737.903 820.505 1096.50 735.807 818.406
29-Mar-10 1111.25 742.219 824.981 1107.50 739.171 823.543
30-Mar-10 1109.75 736.446 823.562 1107.00 732.143 822.926
31-Mar-10 1109.50 732.102 823.988 1115.50 736.401 825.074
01-Apr-10 1116.00 733.487 826.789 1123.50 737.205 832.654
06-Apr-10 1124.00 741.620 837.743 1132.75 746.704 847.233
07-Apr-10 1133.25 743.651 845.583 1142.00 751.217 854.726
08-Apr-10 1146.50 754.972 862.744 1148.00 755.810 861.215
09-Apr-10 1156.00 752.898 863.009 1152.50 750.033 857.260
12-Apr-10 1163.50 753.660 854.196 1158.75 753.022 852.210
13-Apr-10 1149.25 747.431 847.342 1148.25 745.617 846.043
14-Apr-10 1159.00 750.939 849.520 1153.75 746.957 847.162
15-Apr-10 1151.25 745.870 849.945 1154.50 746.862 851.715
16-Apr-10 1157.00 748.673 853.686 1151.50 746.419 851.260
19-Apr-10 1127.50 740.802 838.914 1136.25 743.230 844.356
20-Apr-10 1142.50 742.028 845.044 1144.75 745.911 850.230
21-Apr-10 1143.75 741.347 851.004 1143.00 742.160 853.303
22-Apr-10 1144.25 742.056 856.282 1133.75 737.974 853.213
23-Apr-10 1140.00 742.526 855.406 1139.50 744.333 856.896
26-Apr-10 1154.00 747.409 867.800 1154.50 746.718 866.742
27-Apr-10 1152.25 750.749 863.691 1149.50 749.202 863.831
28-Apr-10 1164.25 767.924 884.285 1161.00 764.218 880.613
29-Apr-10 1170.00 768.877 883.686 1166.75 765.584 882.364
30-Apr-10 1175.25 765.386 882.784 1179.25 773.076 887.388
04-May-10 1184.25 779.009 901.462 1185.00 782.798 907.281
05-May-10 1172.00 773.495 902.510 1165.00 771.983 906.474
06-May-10 1178.00 783.088 922.764 1185.25 787.385 928.807
07-May-10 1199.60 825.602 941.823 1202.25 818.581 949.045
10-May-10 1188.25 793.436 910.188 1196.50 798.732 929.248
11-May-10 1209.00 815.074 953.771 1222.50 824.065 960.405
12-May-10 1241.25 831.825 977.901 1237.50 832.213 974.409
13-May-10 1235.00 836.664 982.811 1237.50 841.150 985.270
14-May-10 1238.75 852.664 993.304 1236.50 848.662 993.971
17-May-10 1230.25 852.682 999.553 1236.00 854.772 998.949
18-May-10 1215.00 841.996 981.342 1216.75 840.761 981.329
19-May-10 1209.50 847.048 992.858 1195.00 831.420 968.867
20-May-10 1187.25 826.373 958.232 1192.00 833.159 964.713
21-May-10 1183.50 821.704 943.479 1179.75 816.775 937.798
24-May-10 1183.75 819.318 953.253 1187.00 824.306 959.812
25-May-10 1189.50 833.100 974.281 1198.25 834.552 978.323
26-May-10 1212.50 841.079 983.294 1212.00 841.901 989.226
27-May-10 1210.75 832.417 987.159 1211.00 839.340 991.729
28-May-10 1214.00 834.135 978.322 1207.50 830.868 976.231
01-Jun-10 1219.75 843.359 1006.390 1227.75 837.769 1003.470
02-Jun-10 1221.00 831.461 997.712 1215.00 834.020 996.555
03-Jun-10 1219.75 830.553 993.039 1215.00 829.578 991.999
04-Jun-10 1203.50 821.277 986.556 1203.50 826.296 999.419
07-Jun-10 1212.40 840.019 1012.190 1215.00 836.892 1017.500
08-Jun-10 1248.00 867.450 1048.030 1246.00 865.578 1042.940
09-Jun-10 1235.00 853.490 1033.560 1233.50 847.300 1024.930
10-Jun-10 1220.00 835.845 1010.180 1217.50 830.774 1003.880
11-Jun-10 1220.50 832.310 1007.180 1220.00 837.107 1006.930
14-Jun-10 1229.50 833.785 1004.330 1223.75 829.380 999.224
15-Jun-10 1223.00 831.012 1001.390 1225.00 828.374 997.395
16-Jun-10 1235.50 835.079 1005.040 1234.50 833.277 1002.520
17-Jun-10 1234.50 834.911 998.302 1245.00 840.024 1003.870
18-Jun-10 1244.00 838.444 1004.200 1256.00 848.419 1015.610
21-Jun-10 1259.50 846.324 1015.150 1254.50 845.180 1012.270
22-Jun-10 1235.25 840.078 1006.350 1236.00 835.304 1006.350
23-Jun-10 1243.00 834.116 1011.970 1226.50 825.902 1004.090
24-Jun-10 1233.25 822.002 1003.620 1236.25 824.771 1004.260
25-Jun-10 1242.50 833.725 1011.890 1254.00 838.628 1019.260
28-Jun-10 1256.00 834.219 1015.110 1261.00 835.708 1023.540
29-Jun-10 1236.00 822.684 1013.450 1234.50 819.503 1015.130
30-Jun-10 1240.50 826.009 1011.250 1244.00 829.610 1012.700
01-Jul-10 1240.00 832.159 1009.770 1234.00 817.760 992.999
02-Jul-10 1210.50 796.434 968.168 1201.50 791.346 954.329
05-Jul-10 1208.50 798.533 964.870 1208.00 799.471 964.856
06-Jul-10 1210.75 798.121 962.211 1195.00 787.064 946.910
07-Jul-10 1186.00 785.274 944.042 1193.25 786.067 946.048
08-Jul-10 1201.25 792.277 949.305 1193.50 788.726 941.469
09-Jul-10 1196.25 787.732 944.681 1208.75 799.438 957.122
12-Jul-10 1203.75 803.732 958.476 1205.50 799.403 958.039
13-Jul-10 1206.50 798.531 959.520 1216.00 801.952 960.430
14-Jul-10 1212.25 794.710 954.002 1207.00 792.463 950.169
15-Jul-10 1211.75 790.960 947.494 1208.00 785.129 937.233
16-Jul-10 1204.75 780.683 928.803 1189.25 774.655 917.702
19-Jul-10 1190.25 779.674 919.467 1181.00 774.833 910.633
20-Jul-10 1181.50 776.281 912.567 1183.00 777.267 918.407
21-Jul-10 1191.25 779.461 926.610 1191.50 783.315 930.496
22-Jul-10 1187.00 777.290 925.536 1199.50 785.064 930.422
23-Jul-10 1198.75 778.510 926.821 1190.50 774.712 928.917
26-Jul-10 1189.00 767.245 920.920 1183.50 763.795 914.111
27-Jul-10 1184.00 765.897 912.735 1168.00 752.286 900.262
28-Jul-10 1164.00 746.010 893.872 1157.00 740.764 889.179
29-Jul-10 1166.00 745.048 891.710 1162.50 743.001 889.305
30-Jul-10 1168.00 747.616 897.013 1169.00 748.879 897.918
02-Aug-10 1178.00 745.334 901.577 1188.50 749.606 904.628
03-Aug-10 1184.00 743.392 894.192 1187.50 746.621 900.303
04-Aug-10 1194.50 750.597 904.308 1199.50 754.403 911.059
05-Aug-10 1195.50 752.644 906.025 1192.50 752.366 906.017
06-Aug-10 1194.50 753.105 906.091 1207.75 755.316 906.259
09-Aug-10 1206.00 756.113 907.859 1203.00 754.374 908.404
10-Aug-10 1196.75 757.533 909.523 1192.50 758.733 910.444
11-Aug-10 1198.00 762.038 918.078 1205.50 768.814 929.023
12-Aug-10 1200.00 767.607 934.070 1213.00 778.063 945.146
13-Aug-10 1215.00 778.198 946.188 1214.25 777.867 947.375
16-Aug-10 1222.00 783.836 953.570 1223.50 781.739 954.368
17-Aug-10 1226.25 781.997 951.319 1226.00 785.797 951.716
18-Aug-10 1223.00 782.319 948.945 1218.00 780.019 946.093
19-Aug-10 1228.00 785.317 957.057 1233.50 787.173 957.166
20-Aug-10 1230.50 791.828 964.141 1223.50 788.338 964.525
23-Aug-10 1227.00 789.829 966.675 1226.00 787.311 964.595
24-Aug-10 1218.00 790.498 964.142 1222.00 791.707 964.483
25-Aug-10 1237.50 802.529 975.946 1237.50 801.230 977.102
26-Aug-10 1240.25 798.667 976.806 1237.00 794.069 969.588
27-Aug-10 1234.50 796.195 970.595 1235.00 798.474 972.135
31-Aug-10 1233.50 800.091 972.869 1246.00 809.459 979.098
01-Sep-10 1250.00 812.533 977.632 1246.50 806.535 971.627
02-Sep-10 1247.75 810.122 972.222 1248.50 812.984 975.162
03-Sep-10 1252.00 812.407 975.306 1240.50 803.953 964.019
06-Sep-10 1249.50 811.153 969.657 1249.00 812.622 970.172
07-Sep-10 1247.25 811.536 977.315 1256.75 820.333 985.686
08-Sep-10 1258.00 814.292 991.723 1255.00 810.305 985.009
09-Sep-10 1253.50 813.380 984.914 1255.00 812.298 985.009
10-Sep-10 1248.75 808.514 980.951 1246.50 809.942 981.883
13-Sep-10 1243.00 804.375 970.866 1243.75 807.420 969.408
14-Sep-10 1253.25 813.852 975.444 1265.50 818.882 982.760
15-Sep-10 1270.40 818.820 978.887 1267.00 815.001 974.990
16-Sep-10 1271.25 815.374 971.978 1272.50 815.026 971.968
17-Sep-10 1281.50 816.190 975.489 1274.00 813.953 975.050
20-Sep-10 1280.25 821.199 977.589 1279.25 821.190 979.368
21-Sep-10 1278.75 823.300 972.877 1275.00 819.409 971.133
22-Sep-10 1291.75 823.558 966.156 1293.50 825.463 963.501
23-Sep-10 1291.50 824.502 968.577 1290.75 822.920 968.305
24-Sep-10 1298.00 826.488 967.357 1297.00 821.406 963.238
27-Sep-10 1298.25 820.898 965.744 1297.00 819.693 963.739
28-Sep-10 1289.00 813.044 958.436 1294.00 820.701 959.087
29-Sep-10 1307.50 826.120 962.388 1307.50 827.218 961.256
30-Sep-10 1311.00 824.321 960.088 1307.00 829.790 958.352
01-Oct-10 1313.00 828.287 955.187 1316.25 832.859 957.412
04-Oct-10 1316.00 834.020 961.777 1313.50 828.455 959.039
05-Oct-10 1325.75 835.487 962.153 1330.50 838.057 964.830
06-Oct-10 1347.00 847.436 972.282 1346.50 848.510 970.101
07-Oct-10 1359.50 853.100 973.017 1345.00 843.525 964.503
08-Oct-10 1330.50 838.321 956.575 1341.50 840.960 961.994
11-Oct-10 1348.50 846.144 967.291 1351.50 848.559 969.721
12-Oct-10 1343.50 849.027 972.846 1348.50 853.157 975.619
setakat 12/10/10 telah meningkat lebih 20 % untuk tahun ini
04-Jan-10 1113.00 686.825 774.261 1121.50 693.483 777.470
05-Jan-10 1125.25 701.702 779.529 1123.25 700.324 779.385
06-Jan-10 1125.00 702.774 783.317 1130.00 708.020 786.579
07-Jan-10 1130.75 709.468 787.650 1130.25 710.090 789.060
08-Jan-10 1121.75 699.913 783.400 1126.75 704.395 786.837
11-Jan-10 1158.00 716.318 797.740 1153.00 714.817 794.351
12-Jan-10 1152.75 713.821 794.836 1151.25 712.495 793.145
13-Jan-10 1132.75 697.377 780.615 1127.25 693.266 776.343
14-Jan-10 1137.50 698.710 783.834 1138.25 698.099 785.921
15-Jan-10 1132.00 695.332 786.652 1128.00 692.875 784.969
18-Jan-10 1135.75 694.181 789.702 1134.50 695.159 788.614
19-Jan-10 1134.00 691.295 791.126 1133.00 691.866 792.862
20-Jan-10 1129.00 693.574 796.080 1120.25 686.975 792.648
21-Jan-10 1104.00 682.830 785.597 1108.25 682.967 786.049
22-Jan-10 1096.50 674.603 774.364 1084.00 673.669 768.086
25-Jan-10 1103.50 682.352 777.825 1095.25 676.581 774.028
26-Jan-10 1090.75 676.644 773.582 1093.25 677.480 777.450
27-Jan-10 1094.75 675.022 778.019 1094.75 676.147 779.181
28-Jan-10 1091.75 672.260 779.209 1088.00 671.854 779.370
29-Jan-10 1082.75 670.641 775.442 1078.50 672.423 775.397
01-Feb-10 1082.00 682.004 778.137 1086.50 683.076 781.655
02-Feb-10 1114.00 699.309 798.795 1111.00 696.945 796.816
03-Feb-10 1118.50 698.931 798.586 1115.25 698.603 799.577
04-Feb-10 1102.50 695.671 796.259 1083.25 685.601 784.395
05-Feb-10 1052.25 670.010 769.020 1058.00 676.471 773.675
08-Feb-10 1070.00 686.822 780.623 1064.00 682.139 778.860
09-Feb-10 1068.00 685.758 778.029 1071.25 685.468 779.544
10-Feb-10 1075.50 685.079 780.309 1069.50 685.841 779.519
11-Feb-10 1079.50 691.322 784.520 1076.25 690.037 788.635
12-Feb-10 1078.25 690.389 795.346 1082.00 692.702 795.413
15-Feb-10 1099.50 701.212 807.209 1098.25 701.309 808.072
16-Feb-10 1115.25 710.577 816.315 1115.25 713.075 816.674
17-Feb-10 1118.25 709.100 813.805 1119.00 709.845 817.027
18-Feb-10 1105.50 708.109 813.765 1118.00 714.240 820.129
19-Feb-10 1107.00 719.485 819.696 1112.75 721.815 824.198
22-Feb-10 1119.75 723.820 822.862 1115.25 720.818 820.459
23-Feb-10 1112.00 721.516 816.926 1107.00 716.737 816.854
24-Feb-10 1093.00 707.764 806.523 1103.00 714.378 812.403
25-Feb-10 1092.75 713.936 809.085 1094.50 715.453 810.321
26-Feb-10 1112.50 728.600 817.594 1108.25 731.180 816.932
01-Mar-10 1117.25 742.655 819.940 1114.00 746.149 824.269
02-Mar-10 1116.00 747.438 826.973 1126.50 752.857 831.243
03-Mar-10 1136.25 755.536 834.067 1136.50 754.648 832.906
04-Mar-10 1136.25 753.032 831.017 1134.50 750.331 831.745
05-Mar-10 1135.00 755.006 834.989 1135.00 755.307 836.527
08-Mar-10 1134.00 749.207 831.317 1125.75 743.904 823.519
09-Mar-10 1120.00 748.963 824.317 1115.75 744.330 821.431
10-Mar-10 1124.50 754.242 827.629 1120.50 750.050 822.687
11-Mar-10 1106.00 736.450 809.723 1104.00 735.608 809.028
12-Mar-10 1118.75 737.962 811.806 1106.25 730.777 805.717
15-Mar-10 1104.00 733.652 804.606 1104.25 733.429 807.495
16-Mar-10 1113.25 737.398 813.363 1124.75 740.893 817.168
17-Mar-10 1131.25 736.491 820.757 1121.75 732.356 815.818
18-Mar-10 1122.75 734.159 820.724 1122.75 734.448 821.504
19-Mar-10 1121.5 740.753 826.577 1105.5 736.754 818.343
22-Mar-10 1104.25 736.167 816.270 1097.25 728.054 810.676
23-Mar-10 1100.75 733.247 814.465 1101.50 731.359 814.177
24-Mar-10 1094.00 731.870 819.353 1090.75 731.605 816.491
25-Mar-10 1093.50 730.754 819.224 1093.00 734.543 818.788
26-Mar-10 1098.00 737.903 820.505 1096.50 735.807 818.406
29-Mar-10 1111.25 742.219 824.981 1107.50 739.171 823.543
30-Mar-10 1109.75 736.446 823.562 1107.00 732.143 822.926
31-Mar-10 1109.50 732.102 823.988 1115.50 736.401 825.074
01-Apr-10 1116.00 733.487 826.789 1123.50 737.205 832.654
06-Apr-10 1124.00 741.620 837.743 1132.75 746.704 847.233
07-Apr-10 1133.25 743.651 845.583 1142.00 751.217 854.726
08-Apr-10 1146.50 754.972 862.744 1148.00 755.810 861.215
09-Apr-10 1156.00 752.898 863.009 1152.50 750.033 857.260
12-Apr-10 1163.50 753.660 854.196 1158.75 753.022 852.210
13-Apr-10 1149.25 747.431 847.342 1148.25 745.617 846.043
14-Apr-10 1159.00 750.939 849.520 1153.75 746.957 847.162
15-Apr-10 1151.25 745.870 849.945 1154.50 746.862 851.715
16-Apr-10 1157.00 748.673 853.686 1151.50 746.419 851.260
19-Apr-10 1127.50 740.802 838.914 1136.25 743.230 844.356
20-Apr-10 1142.50 742.028 845.044 1144.75 745.911 850.230
21-Apr-10 1143.75 741.347 851.004 1143.00 742.160 853.303
22-Apr-10 1144.25 742.056 856.282 1133.75 737.974 853.213
23-Apr-10 1140.00 742.526 855.406 1139.50 744.333 856.896
26-Apr-10 1154.00 747.409 867.800 1154.50 746.718 866.742
27-Apr-10 1152.25 750.749 863.691 1149.50 749.202 863.831
28-Apr-10 1164.25 767.924 884.285 1161.00 764.218 880.613
29-Apr-10 1170.00 768.877 883.686 1166.75 765.584 882.364
30-Apr-10 1175.25 765.386 882.784 1179.25 773.076 887.388
04-May-10 1184.25 779.009 901.462 1185.00 782.798 907.281
05-May-10 1172.00 773.495 902.510 1165.00 771.983 906.474
06-May-10 1178.00 783.088 922.764 1185.25 787.385 928.807
07-May-10 1199.60 825.602 941.823 1202.25 818.581 949.045
10-May-10 1188.25 793.436 910.188 1196.50 798.732 929.248
11-May-10 1209.00 815.074 953.771 1222.50 824.065 960.405
12-May-10 1241.25 831.825 977.901 1237.50 832.213 974.409
13-May-10 1235.00 836.664 982.811 1237.50 841.150 985.270
14-May-10 1238.75 852.664 993.304 1236.50 848.662 993.971
17-May-10 1230.25 852.682 999.553 1236.00 854.772 998.949
18-May-10 1215.00 841.996 981.342 1216.75 840.761 981.329
19-May-10 1209.50 847.048 992.858 1195.00 831.420 968.867
20-May-10 1187.25 826.373 958.232 1192.00 833.159 964.713
21-May-10 1183.50 821.704 943.479 1179.75 816.775 937.798
24-May-10 1183.75 819.318 953.253 1187.00 824.306 959.812
25-May-10 1189.50 833.100 974.281 1198.25 834.552 978.323
26-May-10 1212.50 841.079 983.294 1212.00 841.901 989.226
27-May-10 1210.75 832.417 987.159 1211.00 839.340 991.729
28-May-10 1214.00 834.135 978.322 1207.50 830.868 976.231
01-Jun-10 1219.75 843.359 1006.390 1227.75 837.769 1003.470
02-Jun-10 1221.00 831.461 997.712 1215.00 834.020 996.555
03-Jun-10 1219.75 830.553 993.039 1215.00 829.578 991.999
04-Jun-10 1203.50 821.277 986.556 1203.50 826.296 999.419
07-Jun-10 1212.40 840.019 1012.190 1215.00 836.892 1017.500
08-Jun-10 1248.00 867.450 1048.030 1246.00 865.578 1042.940
09-Jun-10 1235.00 853.490 1033.560 1233.50 847.300 1024.930
10-Jun-10 1220.00 835.845 1010.180 1217.50 830.774 1003.880
11-Jun-10 1220.50 832.310 1007.180 1220.00 837.107 1006.930
14-Jun-10 1229.50 833.785 1004.330 1223.75 829.380 999.224
15-Jun-10 1223.00 831.012 1001.390 1225.00 828.374 997.395
16-Jun-10 1235.50 835.079 1005.040 1234.50 833.277 1002.520
17-Jun-10 1234.50 834.911 998.302 1245.00 840.024 1003.870
18-Jun-10 1244.00 838.444 1004.200 1256.00 848.419 1015.610
21-Jun-10 1259.50 846.324 1015.150 1254.50 845.180 1012.270
22-Jun-10 1235.25 840.078 1006.350 1236.00 835.304 1006.350
23-Jun-10 1243.00 834.116 1011.970 1226.50 825.902 1004.090
24-Jun-10 1233.25 822.002 1003.620 1236.25 824.771 1004.260
25-Jun-10 1242.50 833.725 1011.890 1254.00 838.628 1019.260
28-Jun-10 1256.00 834.219 1015.110 1261.00 835.708 1023.540
29-Jun-10 1236.00 822.684 1013.450 1234.50 819.503 1015.130
30-Jun-10 1240.50 826.009 1011.250 1244.00 829.610 1012.700
01-Jul-10 1240.00 832.159 1009.770 1234.00 817.760 992.999
02-Jul-10 1210.50 796.434 968.168 1201.50 791.346 954.329
05-Jul-10 1208.50 798.533 964.870 1208.00 799.471 964.856
06-Jul-10 1210.75 798.121 962.211 1195.00 787.064 946.910
07-Jul-10 1186.00 785.274 944.042 1193.25 786.067 946.048
08-Jul-10 1201.25 792.277 949.305 1193.50 788.726 941.469
09-Jul-10 1196.25 787.732 944.681 1208.75 799.438 957.122
12-Jul-10 1203.75 803.732 958.476 1205.50 799.403 958.039
13-Jul-10 1206.50 798.531 959.520 1216.00 801.952 960.430
14-Jul-10 1212.25 794.710 954.002 1207.00 792.463 950.169
15-Jul-10 1211.75 790.960 947.494 1208.00 785.129 937.233
16-Jul-10 1204.75 780.683 928.803 1189.25 774.655 917.702
19-Jul-10 1190.25 779.674 919.467 1181.00 774.833 910.633
20-Jul-10 1181.50 776.281 912.567 1183.00 777.267 918.407
21-Jul-10 1191.25 779.461 926.610 1191.50 783.315 930.496
22-Jul-10 1187.00 777.290 925.536 1199.50 785.064 930.422
23-Jul-10 1198.75 778.510 926.821 1190.50 774.712 928.917
26-Jul-10 1189.00 767.245 920.920 1183.50 763.795 914.111
27-Jul-10 1184.00 765.897 912.735 1168.00 752.286 900.262
28-Jul-10 1164.00 746.010 893.872 1157.00 740.764 889.179
29-Jul-10 1166.00 745.048 891.710 1162.50 743.001 889.305
30-Jul-10 1168.00 747.616 897.013 1169.00 748.879 897.918
02-Aug-10 1178.00 745.334 901.577 1188.50 749.606 904.628
03-Aug-10 1184.00 743.392 894.192 1187.50 746.621 900.303
04-Aug-10 1194.50 750.597 904.308 1199.50 754.403 911.059
05-Aug-10 1195.50 752.644 906.025 1192.50 752.366 906.017
06-Aug-10 1194.50 753.105 906.091 1207.75 755.316 906.259
09-Aug-10 1206.00 756.113 907.859 1203.00 754.374 908.404
10-Aug-10 1196.75 757.533 909.523 1192.50 758.733 910.444
11-Aug-10 1198.00 762.038 918.078 1205.50 768.814 929.023
12-Aug-10 1200.00 767.607 934.070 1213.00 778.063 945.146
13-Aug-10 1215.00 778.198 946.188 1214.25 777.867 947.375
16-Aug-10 1222.00 783.836 953.570 1223.50 781.739 954.368
17-Aug-10 1226.25 781.997 951.319 1226.00 785.797 951.716
18-Aug-10 1223.00 782.319 948.945 1218.00 780.019 946.093
19-Aug-10 1228.00 785.317 957.057 1233.50 787.173 957.166
20-Aug-10 1230.50 791.828 964.141 1223.50 788.338 964.525
23-Aug-10 1227.00 789.829 966.675 1226.00 787.311 964.595
24-Aug-10 1218.00 790.498 964.142 1222.00 791.707 964.483
25-Aug-10 1237.50 802.529 975.946 1237.50 801.230 977.102
26-Aug-10 1240.25 798.667 976.806 1237.00 794.069 969.588
27-Aug-10 1234.50 796.195 970.595 1235.00 798.474 972.135
31-Aug-10 1233.50 800.091 972.869 1246.00 809.459 979.098
01-Sep-10 1250.00 812.533 977.632 1246.50 806.535 971.627
02-Sep-10 1247.75 810.122 972.222 1248.50 812.984 975.162
03-Sep-10 1252.00 812.407 975.306 1240.50 803.953 964.019
06-Sep-10 1249.50 811.153 969.657 1249.00 812.622 970.172
07-Sep-10 1247.25 811.536 977.315 1256.75 820.333 985.686
08-Sep-10 1258.00 814.292 991.723 1255.00 810.305 985.009
09-Sep-10 1253.50 813.380 984.914 1255.00 812.298 985.009
10-Sep-10 1248.75 808.514 980.951 1246.50 809.942 981.883
13-Sep-10 1243.00 804.375 970.866 1243.75 807.420 969.408
14-Sep-10 1253.25 813.852 975.444 1265.50 818.882 982.760
15-Sep-10 1270.40 818.820 978.887 1267.00 815.001 974.990
16-Sep-10 1271.25 815.374 971.978 1272.50 815.026 971.968
17-Sep-10 1281.50 816.190 975.489 1274.00 813.953 975.050
20-Sep-10 1280.25 821.199 977.589 1279.25 821.190 979.368
21-Sep-10 1278.75 823.300 972.877 1275.00 819.409 971.133
22-Sep-10 1291.75 823.558 966.156 1293.50 825.463 963.501
23-Sep-10 1291.50 824.502 968.577 1290.75 822.920 968.305
24-Sep-10 1298.00 826.488 967.357 1297.00 821.406 963.238
27-Sep-10 1298.25 820.898 965.744 1297.00 819.693 963.739
28-Sep-10 1289.00 813.044 958.436 1294.00 820.701 959.087
29-Sep-10 1307.50 826.120 962.388 1307.50 827.218 961.256
30-Sep-10 1311.00 824.321 960.088 1307.00 829.790 958.352
01-Oct-10 1313.00 828.287 955.187 1316.25 832.859 957.412
04-Oct-10 1316.00 834.020 961.777 1313.50 828.455 959.039
05-Oct-10 1325.75 835.487 962.153 1330.50 838.057 964.830
06-Oct-10 1347.00 847.436 972.282 1346.50 848.510 970.101
07-Oct-10 1359.50 853.100 973.017 1345.00 843.525 964.503
08-Oct-10 1330.50 838.321 956.575 1341.50 840.960 961.994
11-Oct-10 1348.50 846.144 967.291 1351.50 848.559 969.721
12-Oct-10 1343.50 849.027 972.846 1348.50 853.157 975.619
setakat 12/10/10 telah meningkat lebih 20 % untuk tahun ini
Saturday, October 09, 2010

Bagaimana Menjana Keuntungan Menggunakan Teknik Ar-Rahnu.
Ditulis pada 27 August 2010 – 11:09 am | by syukor |
Assalamualaikum dan salam sejahtera.
Apa khabar semua pembaca? Saya doakan anda semua sihat dan ceria dan bahagia selalu.
Setelah saya menyiarkan artikel: Mengumumkan: Ar-Rahnu yang terbaik untuk emas pelaburan ialah Ar-Rahnu Agrobank (klik sini) saya dapat banyak soalan mengenai teknik pajak gadai Ar-Rahnu.
Ramai orang bertanya kepada saya mengenai cara-cara menjana keuntungan dengan teknik Ar-Rahnu.
Betul ke boleh untung? hehehe… sudah tentu boleh untung. Kalau rugi buat apa saya nak share kat sini betul tak?
Masalah akan berlaku jika orang yang tanya tu:
1. Tak pernah beli emas
2. Tak pernah pergi gadaikan emas di Ar-Rahnu dan beli emas lagi.
3. Tak pernah memerhatikan kenaikan harga emas dalam masa setahun keatas.
Memang confirm tak akan faham. Jadi, kalau anda hendak faham teknik ini maka anda perlu buat sendiri teknik ini. You need to experience it. Bagi pelabur-pelabur emas yang lama memulakan pelaburan emas… memang ini adalah peluang menjana keuntungan lebih terutamanya bila harga emas jatuh.
Sebagai orang berpengalaman (sebab hari-hari tengok harga emas nie ) mereka tahu bila akan berlakunya buying opportunity. Buying opportunity merujuk kepada penurunan harga emas yang banyak menyebabkan kita boleh mengambil peluang menambahkan stok ketika harga emas sedang rendah.
Huraian: Sebagai komoditi, harga emas boleh turun dan naik. Memandangkan trend jangkamasa panjang ialah menaik, jadi setiap penurunan harga membolehkan kita membuat keuntungan dengan membeli lebih banyak stok emas dengan cara menggunakan teknik Ar-Rahnu (gadai emas yang sedia ada di tangan dan beli emas dengan hasil gadaian tersebut)
Anda akan mendapat untung apabila harga emas melantun semula. Sebagai contoh, perhatikan graf dibawah. Kita dapati harga emas boleh jatuh 26.8% dalam masa 2 minggu. Namun selepas itu ia melonjak naik sebanyak 47.6% dalam tempoh 4 bulan.
Ini contoh buying opportunity. Harga emas turun banyak.
p/s: Buying opportunity bukan datang setiap masa. Setahun 2-3 kali ajer.
Baiklah… sekarang saya akan terangkan teknik-teknik ini dengan lebih mendalam.
Untuk pengetahuan anda teknik ini adalah salah satu teknik di dalam ebook saya ”Menyingkap Rahsia Pelaburan Emas” (klik sini) .
Saya tambah beberapa gambar baru bagi memudahkan anda bayangkan proses ini secara visual.
Bagi yang berminat mengetahui cara-cara membuat pelaburan emas dan teknik-teknik menjana keuntungan dengan emas maka anda perlu membaca ebook ini (klik sini)
——————————-copy paste e-book start here—————————————–
Teknik 5: Membuat keuntungan dengan emas fizikal (menggunakan teknik manipulasi Ar-Rahnu)
Baiklah, sekarang saya ingin berkongsi teknik menjana keuntungan dengan menggunakan emas fizikal dan kemudahan Ar-Rahnu.
Sesiapa yang dah beli emas fizikal, tahniah! teknik ini untuk anda.
Gold Bar Public Gold 100 Gram sesuai digunakan sebab spread 5% sahaja.
Bagi mereka yang membuat pelaburan emas dengan akaun GIA atau Maybank Gold Saving passbook, teknik ini anda tak boleh buat.
Terdapat 2 teknik manipulasi pajak gadai Ar-Rahnu.
Teknik 1: Pajak emas fizikal dan masukkan kedalam akaun GIA/GSPA.
Teknik 2: Pajak emas dan beli lagi emas fizikal.
1. Ketika harga emas rendah, pajakkan emas anda di Ar-Rahnu. Hasil duit pajakan
semuanya digunakan untuk membeli emas GIA Public Bank atau Maybank GSPA.
2. Bila harga emas naik, anda jual emas GIA dan tebus balik emas di Ar-Rahnu
p/s: Kelemahan teknik ini ialah anda cuma boleh pajakkan emas anda sekali sahaja. Bila hasil pajakan tersebut anda masukkan kedalam GIA/GSPA maka anda tidak boleh memajak lagi. Anda cuma boleh tunggu harga emas naik. Jika anda hendak untung lebih anda kena buat teknik 2 (diterangkan di bawah)
Teknik ini lagi best
1. Ketika harga emas rendah, pajakkan emas anda di Ar-Rahnu.
Beli lagi emas fizikal dengan hasil pajakan tersebut tersebut, contohnya
Kijang Emas, UOB atau jongkong emas Public Gold (emas yang spreadnya kecil)
2. Pajak semula emas fizikal tersebut di Ar-Rahnu. Gunakan hasil pajakan kali
kedua tersebut untuk membeli lagi emas fizikal.
Anda boleh ulang-ulang proses ini sehingga 2-3 kali (kalau modal besar seperti
RM100,000, maka anda boleh ulangi proses pajak ini banyak kali)
3. Di hujung proses ini, pastikan anda ada emas fizikal ditangan. Apabila harga emas
naik, anda jual emas fizikal di tangan anda. Kemudian hasil jualan itu anda tebus
emas di dalam Ar-Rahnu.
Ulangi proses ini sehingga kesemua emas anda habis ditebus.
4. Di akhir proses, anda akan mendapat semula emas anda yang pertama.
Anda akan mendapat untung kerana jualan emas hasil gadaian pada harga tinggi
boleh menampung upah simpan di Ar-Rahnu bagi emas-emas yang digadaikan.
Gambar: Ilustrasi teknik pajak dan beli emas fizikal.
1. Teknik ini adalah panduan semata-mata berdasarkan pengalaman saya.
Setiap orang akan mendapat hasil yang berbeza-beza bergantung kepada
entry point anda, keadaan harga pasaran emas, tempoh masa anda
membuat teknik ini, exit point dan pengalaman anda sendiri.
2. Semakin banyak pengalaman anda, semakin mudah anda membuat
teknik ini. So apa tunggu lagi, beli emas sekarang.
3. Teknik ini adalah petikan daripada ebook saya. Banyak lagi maklumat
tentang pelaburan emas dan cara-cara menjana keuntungan di dalamnya.
Jika anda berminat mempelajari cara-cara membuat pelaburan emas
dan teknik-teknik menjana keuntungan dengan emas, anda boleh
mendapatkan ebook saya “Menyingkap Rahsia Pelaburan Emas.
Lepas tu praktikkan ilmu tersebut secepat mungkin (klik sini)
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Tuesday, October 05, 2010

Salam...siapa-siapa yang masih teragak-agak nak beli dinar mas & gold bar buat keputusan segera...lagi lama tunggu, lagi la lambat dpt untung...
HUBUNGI SAYA utk consultation...hehehe...
Russia, China seen raising gold reserves-Hellenic Shipping News
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Russia, China seen raising gold reserves
Wednesday, 06 October 2010
Central banks in Russia, China and the Philippines are expected to continue to increase gold holdings to balance their reserves, a senior official at the World Gold Council told Reuters.
Central banks have rekindled interest in gold as part of their monetary reserves after the most severe economic crisis since the Great Depression.
"While Asian central banks are continuing to build dollar balances, they will continue to build gold reserves," George Milling-Stanley, managing director of government affairs at the World Gold Council (WGC) said in an interview during his visit to Seoul.
"They are using dollar incomes to buy more gold ... I believe Russia, China and the Philippines continue to increase gold reserves."
China, with the world's largest foreign exchange reserves, had just 1.5 percent of its reserves in gold as of September, below 5.7 percent for Russia and 13.5 percent for the Philippines, according to the WGC.
Their gold holdings fall far short of those of advanced countries such as the United States and Germany, which stand at around 70 percent of their reserves.
Milling-Stanley sees gold as a liquid asset, with the global gold trading value estimated at averaging $80 billion-$160 billion per day, bigger than the size of a single European bond market.
The Philippines uses gold as financial assets for a swap with other Asian countries and international settlement.
"They will continue to accumulate gold to make gold live asset," Milling-Stanley said, in reference to the Southeast Asian country.
Source: Reuters
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