Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Monetary System in the Islamic World - Halal Journal
The Origins of Paper Money - Part Two: Monetary System in the Islamic World
By The Halal Journal
Original Article Source: The Halal Journal Mar/Apr 2008
How did money as a medium of exchange for foods and services evolve into its current form we know and use today? Hazel Hassan Hisham transports us back into time and traces its origins in this second of a two-part article that chronicles the evolution of paper money.
The first Muslim coins were struck during the Caliphate of Uthman (ra), 644-656 CE. The first original minting of Islamic dirham was done in 695 CE (75 AH) during the reign of Khalifah 'Abd al-Malik. It followed the standard set by Umar Ibn al-Khattab (ra).
These coins included the phrase: "Allah is Unique, Allah is Eternal". Beginning with these coins the use of human figures and animals was discontinued. Both the dinar and dirham coins were round in shape. Typically, one side of the coin was stamped with the words "La ilaha illallah" and "Alhamdulillah" and the obverse side with the name of the caliph or ruler and the date of minting.
The earliest Arab coins imitated those of the Persians (the Sassanians) and the Byzantines. The Arab-Sassanian series goes back as far as 31 AH (Hijriah) just 21 years after the death of Prophet Muhammad S.A.W. The Sassanian coins resumed a century later by the Arab governors of the Tabaristan province (on the southern border of the Caspian Sea). The Arab-Byzantine coins imitated the copper 40-nummia pieces of the 7th century Byzantine Emperors.
The Arab coinage was reformed in 77-79 AH (696-98 AD), creating the main Umayyad series. Its copper denomination, the Fals, exhibited a wide variety of types, but the silver coin, the dirham, used a single calligraphic type at all of the mints of the Caliphate. This coin, with its religious inscriptions and its consistent use of a date and a mint name, set a pattern that was followed for the next few centuries throughout the Islamic world.
The Abbasid series is similar to the Umayyad, but the script takes on a distinctive form that exaggerates the horizontal letters and makes the others microscopic. The Caliph's name is absent on the early issues (as on the Umayyad Dirhams), but it appears on some coins of al-Mahdi (775-85 AD) and becomes a standard feature on all later issues.
During the early 900s AD, the Abbasid Caliphs came under the power of the Buwayhid rulers and lost their temporal authority. Their coins came to an end, but their names were often placed on the coinage of other rulers, citing them as Islam's spiritual head. In a later age, the Abbasid Caliphs regained control of a temporal state, but those coins are of a much different style. Some non-Abbasid coins can be deceptive when they include the Caliph's name but happen to omit the name of the temporal ruler.
In the medieval Islamic world, a vigorous monetary economy was created during the 7th-12th centuries based on the expanding levels of circulation of a stable high-value currency - the Dinar. The Islamic gold dinar (sometimes referred as Islamic dinar or Gold dinar) is a bullion gold coin made from 4.25 grams of 22-carat (k) gold with historical Islamic significance.
The Dirham and Dinar were both used as the official Islamic currency beginning with the second Caliphate, 634-644 CE. The Islamic Dinar is the weight of gold equivalent to 4.25 grams, whereas the Islamic Dirham is the weight of silver equivalent to 3.0 grams. Umar Ibn al-Khattab established the known standard relationship between the two based on their weights: 7 dinars must be equivalent to 10 dirhams.
Gold has always had value to humans, even before it was money. This is demonstrated by the extraordinary efforts made to obtain it. Prospecting for gold was a worldwide effort going back thousands of years, even before the first money in the form of gold coins appeared. In the quest for gold by the Phoenicians, Egyptians, Indians, Hittites, Chinese, and others, prisoners of war were sent to work the mines, as were slaves and criminals. This happened during a time when gold had no value as 'money,' but was just considered a desirable commodity on itself.
The first use of gold as money occurred around 700 BC, when Lydian (Turkey) merchants produced the first coins. These were simply stamped lumps of a 63 per cent gold and 27 per cent silver mixture known as 'electrum.' This standardised unit of value, had no doubt helped Lydian traders in their wide-ranging successes, for by the time of Croesus of Mermnadae - the last King of Lydia (570-546 BC) - Lydia had amassed a huge hoard of gold. Today, we still speak of the ultra-wealthy as being 'rich as Croesus.'
Gold, measured out, became money. Gold was money in ancient Greece. The Greeks mined for gold throughout the Mediterranean and Middle East regions by 550 BC, and both Plato and Aristotle wrote about gold and had theories about its origins - one of them is that Gold was associated with water and it was said that gold was a particularly dense combination of water and sunlight.
The Islamic gold dinar came back to life as a consequence of a currency crisis in Asia in 1997. The then Prime Minister of Malaysia, Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad, proposed the Islamic gold dinar as currency for international trade in the Muslim world. It was supposed to suppress the overly traded American dollar and ensure that dollar's instability does not affect international trade because Islamic gold dinar was to be tied to the price of gold, and thus provide a stable value of the currency.
Tun Dr. Mahathir once emphasised that the Gold Dinar policy is being driven by the crushing reality of the economic and strategic crisis. The Gold Dinar can be a trading currency for all countries, not necessarily Muslim countries alone. He strongly feels that the Muslim countries are in the best position to demonstrate the viability of the system and in the process, show the world that they are capable of growing with stability and peace.
However, the idea has since been halted. Perhaps one day, it will become a reality and the gold dinar will reign within the Muslim world one day.
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Raja Terkaya Di Dunia Tahun 2010 Jatuh kepada.....
Bismillahi rahmanir rahim..
Tirai 2010 akan berlabuh tak berapa hari saja lagi. Dalam sebuah majalah Forbes membuat penyelidikan mengenai raja yang paling kaya pada tahun ini..pada tekaan saya mestilah raja Saudi atau Brunai..tapi raja yang paling kaya jatuh kepada Raja Thai Raja Bhumibol Adulyadej mempunyai harta lebih 20 bilion pound selain eset-eset lain dan emas. Mengapa ? sebab beliau menyimpan emas yang diberikan oleh negeri negeri melayu dahulu kot...Kedah, Kelantan dan Terengganu menghadiahkan bunga emas kepada raja Thai sebagai ufti. Sebab itulah Raja Thai kaya...tetapi Pulau Pinang bayar RM10,000 sahaja kepada Kedah sebagai sewa dari dahulu nak bayar gaji MB pun dah tak lapas sekarang. Kalaulah bayar se tan emas sewa dah tentu negeri Kedah dah kaya raya sekarang...Difahamkan Dr Hamdan Khalib Exco Kebudayaan sedang berusaha membawa balik bunga emas yang diberikan kepada Siam dahulu...mudah mudahan berhasil..harap kerajaan Kedah ambil iktibar supaya menggalakkan rakyat Kedah menyimpan dinar emas sebagai eset masa depan dan urusan harian. Jangan buat silap lagi macam kes sewa Pulau Pinang nanti nak bayar gaji keranipun meter ayaqpun tak lepas lagi 10 tahun..
Saturday, December 25, 2010
Soalan mengapa perlu menyimpan emas?
Jawapannya ialah:
1. Kerana bersabit dengan nas. Satu hadis Sohih diriwayatkan oleh Abu Bakar Abi Maryam bahawa beliau mendengar Rasulullah SAW telah bersabda "Akan tiba suatu zaman di mana tiada apa yang bernilai dan boleh digunakan oleh umat manusia. Maka simpanlah dinar dan dirham (untuk digunakan).
Musnad Imam Ahmad Ibn Hanbal
Dengan mengamalkan dan mengambil nasihat hadis diatas kita akan pahala kerana mengikuti sunnah nabi s.a.w itu yang paling utama bagi diri umat Islam terutama di akhir zaman ini. Dalam solat iaitu selepas takbiratul ihram kita disunnatkan membaca doa iftitah (ikrar) dan ada satu perenggan doa ada menyebut innasolati wanusuki wamahyaya wamamati, sesungguhnya solatku, segala pekerjaanku, hidup dan matiku kerana Allah taala. Oleh itu kita menyimpan emas dinar dan dirham ini ialah kerana Allah taala sudah pasti ada hikmahnya nabi s.a.w menyuruh umatnya menyimpan emas. Kerana nabi tidak bercakap menurut logik dan nafsunya melainkan semuanya wahyu dari Allah s.w.t.
2. Emas bernilai selamanya selagi ada bulan dan matahari sebelum bumi memuntahkan isinya berupa ketul ketulan emas dari isinya disebabkan kiamat seperti dinyatakan dalam surah Al Waqiah. Seluruh manusia mengiktiraf emas sebagai sesuatu yang bernilai. Allah menjadikan emas sebagai harta kekayaan untuk dimiliki oleh manusia dalam urusan dunia seharian.
3. Emas tidak mudah diperolehi dan tidak boleh dihasilkan oleh manusia seperti wang kertas. Setakat hari ini saya belum berjumpa dan mendengar kalau ada saintis yang terhebat didunia ini berjaya menghasilkan emas dalam experimennya. Kalau ada tolong tunjukkan kepada saya, tetapi wang kertas amat mudah bagi sesetengah pihak menghasilkannya dan memalsukannya. Emas mestilah diperolehi dengan cara melombong yang mana difahamkan sesebuah lombong yang aktif akan manghasilkan hanya 4 gram emas dengan pengeluran satu tan bijih emas.
4. Nilainya meningkat dalam jangkamasa panjang berbanding harta-harta lain. Keunggulan nilai emas dapat dibandingkan dengan harta yang kita miliki seperti hartanah, kenderaan dan simpanan wang. Semua harta akan menyusut nilai melainkan emas. Contohnya satu aun emas pada tahun 70an bersamaan USD35 tapi sekarang tahun 2010 mencecah USD1400.
Maka emas adalah penyimpan nilai terbaik dan pelaburan terbaik dan harta benda terbaik. Tidak mudah binasa.
Sekian sahaja buat kali ini...wassalam
Soalan mengapa perlu menyimpan emas?
Jawapannya ialah:
1. Kerana bersabit dengan nas. Satu hadis Sohih diriwayatkan oleh Abu Bakar Abi Maryam bahawa beliau mendengar Rasulullah SAW telah bersabda "Akan tiba suatu zaman di mana tiada apa yang bernilai dan boleh digunakan oleh umat manusia. Maka simpanlah dinar dan dirham (untuk digunakan).
Musnad Imam Ahmad Ibn Hanbal
Dengan mengamalkan dan mengambil nasihat hadis diatas kita akan pahala kerana mengikuti sunnah nabi s.a.w itu yang paling utama bagi diri umat Islam terutama di akhir zaman ini. Dalam solat iaitu selepas takbiratul ihram kita disunnatkan membaca doa iftitah (ikrar) dan ada satu perenggan doa ada menyebut innasolati wanusuki wamahyaya wamamati, sesungguhnya solatku, segala pekerjaanku, hidup dan matiku kerana Allah taala. Oleh itu kita menyimpan emas dinar dan dirham ini ialah kerana Allah taala sudah pasti ada hikmahnya nabi s.a.w menyuruh umatnya menyimpan emas. Kerana nabi tidak bercakap menurut logik dan nafsunya melainkan semuanya wahyu dari Allah s.w.t.
2. Emas bernilai selamanya selagi ada bulan dan matahari sebelum bumi memuntahkan isinya berupa ketul ketulan emas dari isinya disebabkan kiamat seperti dinyatakan dalam surah Al Waqiah. Seluruh manusia mengiktiraf emas sebagai sesuatu yang bernilai. Allah menjadikan emas sebagai harta kekayaan untuk dimiliki oleh manusia dalam urusan dunia seharian.
3. Emas tidak mudah diperolehi dan tidak boleh dihasilkan oleh manusia seperti wang kertas. Setakat hari ini saya belum berjumpa dan mendengar kalau ada saintis yang terhebat didunia ini berjaya menghasilkan emas dalam experimennya. Kalau ada tolong tunjukkan kepada saya, tetapi wang kertas amat mudah bagi sesetengah pihak menghasilkannya dan memalsukannya. Emas mestilah diperolehi dengan cara melombong yang mana difahamkan sesebuah lombong yang aktif akan manghasilkan hanya 4 gram emas dengan pengeluran satu tan bijih emas.
4. Nilainya meningkat dalam jangkamasa panjang berbanding harta-harta lain. Keunggulan nilai emas dapat dibandingkan dengan harta yang kita miliki seperti hartanah, kenderaan dan simpanan wang. Semua harta akan menyusut nilai melainkan emas. Contohnya satu aun emas pada tahun 70an bersamaan USD35 tapi sekarang tahun 2010 mencecah USD1400.
Maka emas adalah penyimpan nilai terbaik dan pelaburan terbaik dan harta benda terbaik. Tidak mudah binasa.
Sekian sahaja buat kali ini...wassalam
Monday, December 20, 2010
Kebelakangan ini semakin ramai yang telah sedar termasuk pemimpin2 politik betapa pentingnya untuk mengembalikan Dinar dan Dirham sebagai matawang tak kiralah fahaman politik mana yang penting Wang Sunnah ini mesti dikembalikan sebagai wang. Sebab apa seperti tulisan Sheikh Imran Husein yang wang kertas ini punca segala masalah umat didunia hari ini. Wang kertas tidak mempunyai intrisic value dan dicipta untuk menghambakan manusia ( enslave mankind) lagi menurun nilai dari masa ke semasa akibat inflasi. Seperti kata Dr M, dulu se aun emas dinilaikan dengan USD35 1/35 tapi sekarang seaun mencecah USD1400 1/1400. Jadi setiap wang kertas yang disimpan akan menyusut samalah seperti hasil kekayaan titik peluk kita dikikis oleh orang lain sedikit demi sedikit. Sedangkan kerajaan Amerika dengan mudah mencetak wang kertas lagi untuk kononnya merangsangkan ekonominya dan bailout bank-bank yang muflis. Dengan hasil wang kertas yang mudah dicetak oleh mereka, dengan mudah mereka membeli barangan hasil titik peluh kita yang kerja membanting tulang untuk sara hidup. Kerja siang malam untuk menaikkan taraf hidup keluarga kadang-kadang tiada masa bersama keluarga sedangkan mereka dengan mudah mendapatkannya menggunakan dolar mereka. Segala hasil kita dinilai rendah oleh mereka dengan kertas dolar mereka. Sebenarnya merakalah perompak kekayaan kita sebenar.
Alhamdulillah sekarang telah ada usaha untuk mengembalikan wang sunnah dinar dan dirham maka sama-samalah kita terus berjihad untuk mengembalikannya. Pada peringkat awal ini disyorkan kita membeli dan menyimpan dahulu dan guna sesama kita sehingga satu masa yang akan ditentukan oleh Allah s.w.t kita dapat menggunakan sepenuhnya. Insyaallah. Berikut petikan kenyataan Kerajaan Perak
Perak To Also Introduce Dinar, Dirham - BERNAMA
Perak To Also Introduce Dinar, Dirham
Perak Menteri Besar Datuk Seri Dr Zambry Abdul Kadir
KUALA LUMPUR, Nov 2 (Bernama) -- After Kelantan, Perak will become the second state in the country to introduce the gold dinar and silver dirham currency to give its people more savings options.
Perak Menteri Besar Datuk Seri Dr Zambry Abdul Kadir said discussions on introducing this currency began two years ago and that it would be introduced in stages.
"We are also in the process of minting the gold dinar and silver dirham coins," he told Bernama after the World Usury Conference here Tuesday.
Asked whether the state would be using the Kelantan model for the currency, Zambry said the state would be using a different approach.
"Actually, we were the first to initiate the idea but Kelantan introduced the currency first but it is okay with us because it is a good thing," he said, adding, however, the currency would be subject to Bank Negara requirements. Earlier when disclosing the proposed project to the conference's participants, Zambry said Perak acknowledged that "gold is a good store of value".
He believed that since gold had played the role of money globally for centuries, its value was therefore expected to rise during a crisis.
"By putting some of their savings in gold and silver, the people can protect the value of their savings from depreciating.
"In the current hyper inflationary conditions, this would be truly a positive thing for the people," he said.
Friday, December 17, 2010
Seriousness of the Gold Dinar
Dr. Mahathir Bin Mohammed
- If the Muslims are going to protect themselves they must have sufficient wealth. Allah has endowed Muslim countries with inexhaustible wealth. These need to be administered for the good of the ummah.
- But wealth can also be acquired through commercial activities, through the production and distribution of goods and services and through trade.
- Today trade between Muslim countries is small. It is not suggested that we reduce our trade with the non-Muslims. But we should endeavour to increase the trade between Muslim countries.
- We can trade through the exchange of goods, through barter. But today we use money. Since we don't have a currency which is strong enough and stable enough in exchange rate terms, we have to use the American dollar. But the dollar is also not stable. Today the dollar has depreciated against many other currencies. This means that despite the increase in the price of oil for example, we are actually earning less due to the devaluation of the dollar. It is the same with the other currencies. It is the same with our own currencies. They all fluctuate in value. And they are all subject to speculation and manipulation as happened in Malaysia and other East Asian countries, in Russia and in Latin America.
- The reason for this is that paper currency has no intrinsic value. You can print any figure you like on currency notes but in exchange rate terms the figure means nothing. The Malaysian Ringgit is 3.8 to one U.S. Dollar. The Turkish Lira is 1.5 million to one U.S. Dollar. The Indonesian Rupiah is 9000 to one U.S. Dollar. The purchasing power w
ithin the country is different from the purchasing power outside the country. Sometimes countries have as maClearly this situation in terms of international finance is chaotic and anarchic. But since the system benefits the powerful countries they are unwilling to correct it.
- If we want to avoid being short-changed we must have a currency that has intrinsic value. Gold does fluctuate in price but the fluctuation is minimal. It is not possible to devalue gold by one hundred percent or one thousand percent. Nor is it possible to revalue gold by the same percentage. The fluctuation in the value of gold can only be by a few percentages, up or down.
- When the Allied nations met in Bretton Woods to determine the principle for the rate of exchange of international currencies in order to facilitate trade, they decided to use gold as a standard. The value of the U.S. Dollar was fixed at one dollar for 1/35 ounce of gold or 35 U.S. Dollars per ounce. All other currencies were valued in gold through the rates of exchange with the U.S. Dollar.
- This worked quite well until some countries wanted to devalue their currencies in order to become competitive in the international market. Then other countries also decided to devalue in order to remain competitive. Finally the U.S. Dollar was devalued against the Gold.
- At this stage the gold standard could not be sustained. The market claimed that it could determine the exchange rate through the demand and supply of currencies freely traded in the market. But profiteers moved in and they manipulated the value of the currencies so that there was chaos in terms of exchange rates of currencies. Business became very difficult. Indeed many good businesses went bankrupt when the domestic currency gets devalued. The hedge Funds which claim to insure the value of the currencies made huge sums of money speculating and manipulating the values of the currencies.
- This anarchy in the international financial regime will remain because it benefits the rich and the powerful. If we want to protect ourselves we must evolve our own payment system, our own trading currency.
- The Gold dinar can provide the currency for trade between nations. If we value all trade items against gold, then we will have no problem with the exchange rate. We know that in the last resort we can melt the gold and sell it in the market. You obviously cannot do that with paper currency, worst still with figures on a computer. They have no intrinsic market value as gold has.
- But gold is bulky. We cannot be carrying gold all over the world in order to pay for goods we want to import. But we need not do that.
- It is not intended to use the gold dinar as currency for everyday transactions in the domestic market. For this we can use national currencies. If there is inflation then the currency can buy less gold and other goods. And vice versa. So there is no necessity to carry bags of gold coins for transaction within the countries.
- But even for international trade the transport of gold bullions or gold coins would be very minimal. Through bilateral payments arrangements the imports can be balanced by the exports and the differences settled in gold dinars. The Central Bank can provide a guarantee for the gold required for the payments of the balance. In the following weeks or months the deficits may be reduced or a surplus achieved. In that case the payments of the balance can be made through accounting arrangements between the Central Banks. It is only occasionally that a necessity might arise for the actual gold dinar to be used to pay for the purchase of imports.
- We cannot really verify the amount of money a country has. A country's own currency cannot be regarded as its reserve. But gold dinars or gold bullion or gold ingots can serve as a country's reserve. Still in the end we have to trust each other. If we are good Muslims then the cases of fraud by Central Banks would be minimal.
- Assuming that Malaysia exports to a Dinar Area country a hundred million Dinars worth of motor vehicles and then imports 110 million dinars worth of oil, then the payment required by Malaysia would be just 10 million dinars. The ten million dinars is credited to Malaysia's trading partner. If in the following month the trading partner buys 110 million dinars worth of Malaysian cars and Malaysia buys 100 million dinars worth of oil, then no payment need to be made by either party. The 10 million dinars that has to be paid by Malaysia's trading partner for the motor vehicle can be offset by the credit of 10 million dinars from the previous month's transactions.
- Today with computers we can close account and pay more frequently. Through this method it is not necessary to purchase or earn hard currency.
- Of course there may be some countries which are so poor that they cannot have gold dinars. We can buy some raw materials to be paid in gold dinars. They can be helped to build up the reserves of gold dinars.
- There will be problems. But if we begin with just a pair of countries we would be able to minimize problems and demonstrate whether it works or not. We will be able to identify the weaknesses and the faults and correct them.
- Gold is a precious metal. There has never been a time when there was no demand for gold. It is also not so plentiful that its price will fall the way paper currency or even other precious metals can fall. Yet it is not so limited in quantity that anyone or any trader can corner it and manipulate the price.
- In different countries the price of gold will differ in terms of the currency of that country. That is a function of the currency of the country. The value of one gold dinar is one gold dinar no matter what the exchange rate of a currency is against the gold dinar. If the value of goods or services is expressed in gold dinar, the value remains the same no matter which country is involved in the trade.
- Thus an exporter can declare the agreed price in dinar to the importer in another country and to the Central Bank in his country. Depending on the agreement reached the Central Bank will pay the exporter the current local currency equivalent to the gold dinar price. At the importer's end, he would pay to his country's Central Bank the local currency equivalent of the agreed price in dinar. At the end of the week or month the Central Banks will total up the value in dinar of the exports and imports between the two trading countries. If they are not balanced then the country with a surplus will have a credit account against the country with a deficit. The difference can be paid in dinar or in goods or the country with the surplus can hold the dinar for future purchase from the country in deficit.
In multi-lateral trade, the process may be a little more complicated but it is entirely, manageable. A clearing house can be set up for a group of trading countries and the deficit and surpluses balanced. The process is not unlike the clearing of the cheques of numerous banks at a central clearing house.
- Provided there are goods or services to be supplied by all participating countries, the amount of gold dinars that needs to be kept as reserve backing and for payment in the last resort is very small. Ideally there would be no need to transport and pay in dinars. The imports and exports in most instances would cancel themselves. The profits come from disposing of the goods or services domestically when the local currency would be used.
- There will be problems of course. But there are problems now. Countries with no "hard currency" i.e. U.S. dollars cannot pay for their imports anyway. In addition the U.S. currency is not as stable as gold. Not only can it appreciate or depreciate widely but a country's currency can be made to depreciate so much against the U.S. Dollar that its imports cannot be paid for, priced as they are in U.S. Dollar. The gold dinar cannot depreciate much against the U.S. Dollar.
- Gold price can also be manipulated but not as easily as U.S. Dollar or other currency. No one can sell gold at below market price because he just will not be able to deliver when called upon to do so. Short-selling will be very difficult if not impossible.
- However local currency prices of gold can still fluctuate if left to the market. It is up to the country concerned whether to control exchange rates or not. But speculation and manipulation will not be as easy as when local currency is valued against the U.S. Dollar.
- It must again be stressed that the Gold Dinar is exclusively for international trade. It is not to be used as local currency. In a sense it is like the U.S. Dollar now. Some countries of course use the U.S. Dollar locally for paying hotel bills by foreigners. But the dinar is heavy and cumbersome to carry. So it cannot be used as freely as the U.S. Dollar locally. This again lends credibility to the dinar and the local currency, which has to be used for local payment.
- We should not be too ambitious as to launch the Gold Dinar for multi-lateral trade at one go. We should begin by pairing off the countries willing to use the Gold Dinar. A pair of good trading countries with a fairly well balanced trade should initiate the use of the Gold Dinar. Problems that arise can be resolved and the system improved. After the bugs have been got rid off then the trade using the dinar can be expanded gradually to involve more countries.
- Traders in particular will be happy because their prices in Gold Dinar would not be affected by changes in the exchange rates of the importing countries or the exporting countries. In dinar, the prices will always remain the same.
- It is not the intention to make the dinar a common currency for all countries. It is not really the Gold Standard with a fixed value against local currency. If countries print more local currency there would still be inflation within the country. But trade would be stable and enhanced. Speculators and manipulators will not be able to undermine international trade.
- Of course the Gold Dinar can be a trading currency, for all countries, not necessarily Muslim countries. But Muslim countries are in the best position to demonstrate the viability of the system. They are in a position to manage their economies rationally and in the process show the world that they are capable of growing with stability and in peace. And this will do more towards countering oppressions by their enemies than the futile violent retaliations.
ny as four exchange rates -- one official, one for domestic economy, one for export and one for import.
- If the Muslims are going to protect themselves they must have sufficient wealth. Allah has endowed Muslim countries with inexhaustible wealth. These need to be administered for the good of the ummah.
- But wealth can also be acquired through commercial activities, through the production and distribution of goods and services and through trade.
- Today trade between Muslim countries is small. It is not suggested that we reduce our trade with the non-Muslims. But we should endeavour to increase the trade between Muslim countries.
- We can trade through the exchange of goods, through barter. But today we use money. Since we don't have a currency which is strong enough and stable enough in exchange rate terms, we have to use the American dollar. But the dollar is also not stable. Today the dollar has depreciated against many other currencies. This means that despite the increase in the price of oil for example, we are actually earning less due to the devaluation of the dollar. It is the same with the other currencies. It is the same with our own currencies. They all fluctuate in value. And they are all subject to speculation and manipulation as happened in Malaysia and other East Asian countries, in Russia and in Latin America.
- The reason for this is that paper currency has no intrinsic value. You can print any figure you like on currency notes but in exchange rate terms the figure means nothing. The Malaysian Ringgit is 3.8 to one U.S. Dollar. The Turkish Lira is 1.5 million to one U.S. Dollar. The Indonesian Rupiah is 9000 to one U.S. Dollar. The purchasing power w
ithin the country is different from the purchasing power outside the country. Sometimes countries have as maClearly this situation in terms of international finance is chaotic and anarchic. But since the system benefits the powerful countries they are unwilling to correct it.
- If we want to avoid being short-changed we must have a currency that has intrinsic value. Gold does fluctuate in price but the fluctuation is minimal. It is not possible to devalue gold by one hundred percent or one thousand percent. Nor is it possible to revalue gold by the same percentage. The fluctuation in the value of gold can only be by a few percentages, up or down.
- When the Allied nations met in Bretton Woods to determine the principle for the rate of exchange of international currencies in order to facilitate trade, they decided to use gold as a standard. The value of the U.S. Dollar was fixed at one dollar for 1/35 ounce of gold or 35 U.S. Dollars per ounce. All other currencies were valued in gold through the rates of exchange with the U.S. Dollar.
- This worked quite well until some countries wanted to devalue their currencies in order to become competitive in the international market. Then other countries also decided to devalue in order to remain competitive. Finally the U.S. Dollar was devalued against the Gold.
- At this stage the gold standard could not be sustained. The market claimed that it could determine the exchange rate through the demand and supply of currencies freely traded in the market. But profiteers moved in and they manipulated the value of the currencies so that there was chaos in terms of exchange rates of currencies. Business became very difficult. Indeed many good businesses went bankrupt when the domestic currency gets devalued. The hedge Funds which claim to insure the value of the currencies made huge sums of money speculating and manipulating the values of the currencies.
- This anarchy in the international financial regime will remain because it benefits the rich and the powerful. If we want to protect ourselves we must evolve our own payment system, our own trading currency.
- The Gold dinar can provide the currency for trade between nations. If we value all trade items against gold, then we will have no problem with the exchange rate. We know that in the last resort we can melt the gold and sell it in the market. You obviously cannot do that with paper currency, worst still with figures on a computer. They have no intrinsic market value as gold has.
- But gold is bulky. We cannot be carrying gold all over the world in order to pay for goods we want to import. But we need not do that.
- It is not intended to use the gold dinar as currency for everyday transactions in the domestic market. For this we can use national currencies. If there is inflation then the currency can buy less gold and other goods. And vice versa. So there is no necessity to carry bags of gold coins for transaction within the countries.
- But even for international trade the transport of gold bullions or gold coins would be very minimal. Through bilateral payments arrangements the imports can be balanced by the exports and the differences settled in gold dinars. The Central Bank can provide a guarantee for the gold required for the payments of the balance. In the following weeks or months the deficits may be reduced or a surplus achieved. In that case the payments of the balance can be made through accounting arrangements between the Central Banks. It is only occasionally that a necessity might arise for the actual gold dinar to be used to pay for the purchase of imports.
- We cannot really verify the amount of money a country has. A country's own currency cannot be regarded as its reserve. But gold dinars or gold bullion or gold ingots can serve as a country's reserve. Still in the end we have to trust each other. If we are good Muslims then the cases of fraud by Central Banks would be minimal.
- Assuming that Malaysia exports to a Dinar Area country a hundred million Dinars worth of motor vehicles and then imports 110 million dinars worth of oil, then the payment required by Malaysia would be just 10 million dinars. The ten million dinars is credited to Malaysia's trading partner. If in the following month the trading partner buys 110 million dinars worth of Malaysian cars and Malaysia buys 100 million dinars worth of oil, then no payment need to be made by either party. The 10 million dinars that has to be paid by Malaysia's trading partner for the motor vehicle can be offset by the credit of 10 million dinars from the previous month's transactions.
- Today with computers we can close account and pay more frequently. Through this method it is not necessary to purchase or earn hard currency.
- Of course there may be some countries which are so poor that they cannot have gold dinars. We can buy some raw materials to be paid in gold dinars. They can be helped to build up the reserves of gold dinars.
- There will be problems. But if we begin with just a pair of countries we would be able to minimize problems and demonstrate whether it works or not. We will be able to identify the weaknesses and the faults and correct them.
- Gold is a precious metal. There has never been a time when there was no demand for gold. It is also not so plentiful that its price will fall the way paper currency or even other precious metals can fall. Yet it is not so limited in quantity that anyone or any trader can corner it and manipulate the price.
- In different countries the price of gold will differ in terms of the currency of that country. That is a function of the currency of the country. The value of one gold dinar is one gold dinar no matter what the exchange rate of a currency is against the gold dinar. If the value of goods or services is expressed in gold dinar, the value remains the same no matter which country is involved in the trade.
- Thus an exporter can declare the agreed price in dinar to the importer in another country and to the Central Bank in his country. Depending on the agreement reached the Central Bank will pay the exporter the current local currency equivalent to the gold dinar price. At the importer's end, he would pay to his country's Central Bank the local currency equivalent of the agreed price in dinar. At the end of the week or month the Central Banks will total up the value in dinar of the exports and imports between the two trading countries. If they are not balanced then the country with a surplus will have a credit account against the country with a deficit. The difference can be paid in dinar or in goods or the country with the surplus can hold the dinar for future purchase from the country in deficit.
In multi-lateral trade, the process may be a little more complicated but it is entirely, manageable. A clearing house can be set up for a group of trading countries and the deficit and surpluses balanced. The process is not unlike the clearing of the cheques of numerous banks at a central clearing house.
- Provided there are goods or services to be supplied by all participating countries, the amount of gold dinars that needs to be kept as reserve backing and for payment in the last resort is very small. Ideally there would be no need to transport and pay in dinars. The imports and exports in most instances would cancel themselves. The profits come from disposing of the goods or services domestically when the local currency would be used.
- There will be problems of course. But there are problems now. Countries with no "hard currency" i.e. U.S. dollars cannot pay for their imports anyway. In addition the U.S. currency is not as stable as gold. Not only can it appreciate or depreciate widely but a country's currency can be made to depreciate so much against the U.S. Dollar that its imports cannot be paid for, priced as they are in U.S. Dollar. The gold dinar cannot depreciate much against the U.S. Dollar.
- Gold price can also be manipulated but not as easily as U.S. Dollar or other currency. No one can sell gold at below market price because he just will not be able to deliver when called upon to do so. Short-selling will be very difficult if not impossible.
- However local currency prices of gold can still fluctuate if left to the market. It is up to the country concerned whether to control exchange rates or not. But speculation and manipulation will not be as easy as when local currency is valued against the U.S. Dollar.
- It must again be stressed that the Gold Dinar is exclusively for international trade. It is not to be used as local currency. In a sense it is like the U.S. Dollar now. Some countries of course use the U.S. Dollar locally for paying hotel bills by foreigners. But the dinar is heavy and cumbersome to carry. So it cannot be used as freely as the U.S. Dollar locally. This again lends credibility to the dinar and the local currency, which has to be used for local payment.
- We should not be too ambitious as to launch the Gold Dinar for multi-lateral trade at one go. We should begin by pairing off the countries willing to use the Gold Dinar. A pair of good trading countries with a fairly well balanced trade should initiate the use of the Gold Dinar. Problems that arise can be resolved and the system improved. After the bugs have been got rid off then the trade using the dinar can be expanded gradually to involve more countries.
- Traders in particular will be happy because their prices in Gold Dinar would not be affected by changes in the exchange rates of the importing countries or the exporting countries. In dinar, the prices will always remain the same.
- It is not the intention to make the dinar a common currency for all countries. It is not really the Gold Standard with a fixed value against local currency. If countries print more local currency there would still be inflation within the country. But trade would be stable and enhanced. Speculators and manipulators will not be able to undermine international trade.
- Of course the Gold Dinar can be a trading currency, for all countries, not necessarily Muslim countries. But Muslim countries are in the best position to demonstrate the viability of the system. They are in a position to manage their economies rationally and in the process show the world that they are capable of growing with stability and in peace. And this will do more towards countering oppressions by their enemies than the futile violent retaliations.
ny as four exchange rates -- one official, one for domestic economy, one for export and one for import.
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Wednesday, December 08, 2010
Gold likely to hit $1,600 in 2011 - Credit Suisse-Mineweb
Gold likely to hit $1,600 in 2011 - Credit Suisse
Many of the drivers that have been pushing prices higher throughout 2010 are expected to persist and demand from China will be a major factor
Author: Geoff Candy
Posted: Wednesday , 08 Dec 2010
Many of the factors that have pushed gold higher over the course of 2010 are expected to continue into 2011, which should see gold prices trading as high as $1,600 before year-end.
This is the view of Tom Kendall, Vice President for commodities research at Credit Suisse. Speaking on's Gold Weekly podcast, Kendall said the bank remains rather bullish about gold's prospects for 2011 but, he wouldn't be surprised if things quieten down in the run-up to the new year.
He says there has already been some evidence of this in the key Indian market and the Middle East has also been fairly quiet.
He adds, "As the prices ticked up back about $1,400 we've seen a push up in scrap volumes coming through into the market as well. So from the physical side there are reasons to be a little bit cautious as we go through to the close of the year. But from the investment side of the market still a lot of interest from shorter-term players.
"Technically the chart looks pretty good for gold both in US dollar terms and in euro terms and although some of the bigger macro funds will be reducing risk ahead of the close of the year, we've probably got another week to ten days or so of decent activity in the shorter term money flows."
Asked about the question of real interest rates and whether or not, Credit Suisse expects them to turn any time soon, Kendall, said, "The question of real interest rates is always there at the back of one's mind when looking at the gold market but from what we see out of the United States in terms of monetary policy in recent statements by Ben Bernanke and by the members of the FOMC it's clear to us and to our strategists in the United States that we are going to remain in a very low or even negative real interest rate environment in the United States for some considerable time to come and by that I mean at least 18 months and potentially much longer.
Moving into 2011, Kendall says the other big factor he is going to be watching is the developments within the Chinese market.
"I was in Shanghai last week and it is clear that there is a considerable amount of bullishness within the Chinese market about gold and the market is expanding and developing and evolving quite rapidly both in terms of the number of players coming in and in terms of the products that are available to investors and that's going to be one of the key themes as we go through 2011.
But, he cautions, while we are seeing a change in the investment market in places like China in that there is a strong pickup in demand from retail accounts for gold investment products primarily backed by physical gold, there is also a strong speculative element in the market.
And, lot of it "is also relative to what's going on in other asset classes so you have to keep an eye on what's happening in the property markets and the equity markets there as well."
Gold likely to hit $1,600 in 2011 - Credit Suisse
Many of the drivers that have been pushing prices higher throughout 2010 are expected to persist and demand from China will be a major factor
Author: Geoff Candy
Posted: Wednesday , 08 Dec 2010
Many of the factors that have pushed gold higher over the course of 2010 are expected to continue into 2011, which should see gold prices trading as high as $1,600 before year-end.
This is the view of Tom Kendall, Vice President for commodities research at Credit Suisse. Speaking on's Gold Weekly podcast, Kendall said the bank remains rather bullish about gold's prospects for 2011 but, he wouldn't be surprised if things quieten down in the run-up to the new year.
He says there has already been some evidence of this in the key Indian market and the Middle East has also been fairly quiet.
He adds, "As the prices ticked up back about $1,400 we've seen a push up in scrap volumes coming through into the market as well. So from the physical side there are reasons to be a little bit cautious as we go through to the close of the year. But from the investment side of the market still a lot of interest from shorter-term players.
"Technically the chart looks pretty good for gold both in US dollar terms and in euro terms and although some of the bigger macro funds will be reducing risk ahead of the close of the year, we've probably got another week to ten days or so of decent activity in the shorter term money flows."
Asked about the question of real interest rates and whether or not, Credit Suisse expects them to turn any time soon, Kendall, said, "The question of real interest rates is always there at the back of one's mind when looking at the gold market but from what we see out of the United States in terms of monetary policy in recent statements by Ben Bernanke and by the members of the FOMC it's clear to us and to our strategists in the United States that we are going to remain in a very low or even negative real interest rate environment in the United States for some considerable time to come and by that I mean at least 18 months and potentially much longer.
Moving into 2011, Kendall says the other big factor he is going to be watching is the developments within the Chinese market.
"I was in Shanghai last week and it is clear that there is a considerable amount of bullishness within the Chinese market about gold and the market is expanding and developing and evolving quite rapidly both in terms of the number of players coming in and in terms of the products that are available to investors and that's going to be one of the key themes as we go through 2011.
But, he cautions, while we are seeing a change in the investment market in places like China in that there is a strong pickup in demand from retail accounts for gold investment products primarily backed by physical gold, there is also a strong speculative element in the market.
And, lot of it "is also relative to what's going on in other asset classes so you have to keep an eye on what's happening in the property markets and the equity markets there as well."
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Gold Advances on Haven Demand as European Debt Crisis Spreads-Bloomberg Business week
Gold Advances on Haven Demand as European Debt Crisis Spreads
November 30, 2010, 8:50 PM ESTBy Sungwoo Park
Dec. 1 (Bloomberg) -- Gold advanced for a third day on concern that the European debt crisis may escalate, increasing demand for haven investments. The price of the precious metal in euros gained to a record.
Immediate-delivery gold climbed as much as 0.2 percent to $1,389.35 an ounce and traded at $1,388.40 at 10:44 a.m. in Seoul. The price jumped to $1,390.23 yesterday, the highest level since Nov. 12. The February-delivery contract rose as much as 0.3 percent to $1,390.60 an ounce on the Comex in New York.
"Investors are still jittery over the European debt problems," said Hwang Il Doo, a senior trader at Korea Exchange Bank Futures Co. in Seoul. Yesterday's rally, when prices gained as much as 1.8 percent, was "very strong," Hwang said.
The euro yesterday fell to the lowest level in more than 10 weeks against the dollar on speculation that the region's sovereign-debt crisis will broaden. Investor concern has shifted to burgeoning debt in Spain and Portugal after European governments bailed out Ireland and Greece. Standard & Poor's said yesterday that it may cut Portugal's credit ratings.
"The market will continue to go after each individual country until the European Union steps forward with a credible way of dealing with the credit issues and questions held by the market," said Douglas Borthwick, head of foreign-exchange trading at Stamford, Connecticut-based Faros Trading LLC.
Gold denominated in euros gained for a fourth day, climbing as much as 0.2 percent to 1,069.993 euros per ounce, an all-time high.
November Rally
Bullion rose 2 percent in November, the fourth monthly gain, and touched a record $1,424.60 an ounce on Nov. 9, on investor demand for protection against the debasement of currencies. Central banks have maintained low interest rates while governments have spent trillions of dollars to spur growth.
UBS AG on Nov. 29 cut its one-month forecast for gold to $1,325 an ounce from $1,425. "Year-end profit-taking remains probable," UBS analyst Edel Tully wrote yesterday.
Spot silver rebounded from a loss of 0.3 percent to gain 0.2 percent to $28.1257 an ounce. UBS yesterday cut its one- month silver forecast to $25.50 from $30, while maintaining a three-month estimate of $27.
Cash palladium increased 0.4 percent to $702.25 an ounce after falling as much as 0.6 percent. Spot platinum climbed 0.8 percent to $1,670.50 an ounce.
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Peristiwa Pemecatan Khalifah Islam Terakhir Sultan Abdul Hamid (1876 - 1909. Malam itu, Sultan Abdul Hamid dan keluarganya dikunjungi oleh sekumpulan manusia yang tidak akan dilupakan oleh sejarah. Emmanuel Carasso, seorang Yahudi warga Itali dan wakil rakyat Salonika (Thessaloniki) d iParlimen Othmaniyyah (Meclis-i Mebusan) melangkah masuk ke istana Yildiz. Turu tbersama beliau adalah Aram Efendi, wakil rakyat Armenia, Laz Arif Hikmet Pasha, anggota Dewan Senat yang juga pemimpin Armada Othmaniyyah, serta Arnavut Esat Toptani, waki lrakyat bandar Daraj di Meclis-i Mebusan.“Bukankah waktu seperti ini adalah waktu khalifah menunaikan kewajipannya terhadap keluarga. Tidak bolehkah kalian berbincang dengan aku pagi esok?”, Sultan Abdul Hamid tidak selesa menerima kedatangan mereka yang kelihatannya begitu tergesa-gesa.Tiada simpati di wajah mereka.“Ummah telah memecat kamu”, Esat Pasha memberitahu. Angkuh benar bunyinya. Satu persatu wajah ahli rombongan itu diperhati oleh Sultan AbdulHamid.“Apakah mereka ini sedar dengan apa yang mereka lakukan?”, baginda berfikir.“Jika benar Ummah yang menurunkan aku, mengapa kamu datang dengan lelaki ini?”, Sultan Abdul Hamid menundingkan jarinya kepada Emmanuel Carasso.“Apa kena mengenanya Yahudi ini dengan Ummah?”, wajah baginda kemerah-merahanmenahan marah. Sultan Abdul Hamid memang kenal benar siapa Emmanuel Carasso itu. Dia jugalah yang bersekongkol bersama Theodor Herzl ketika mahu mendapatkan izin menempatkan Yahudidi Palestin dengan penuh licik lebih sedekad yang lalu (1898). Mereka menawarkan pembelian ladang milik Sultan Abdul Hamid di Sancak Palestin sebagai tapak penempatan Yahudi di Tanah Suci itu.
Sultan Abdul Hamid menolaknya dengan tegas, termasuk alternatif mereka yang mahu menyewa tanah itu selama 99 tahun.Pendirian tegas Sultan Abdul Hamid untuk tidak mengizinkan Yahudi bermastautin di Palestin, telah menyebabkan Yahudi sedunia mengamuk. Harganya terlalu mahal. SultanAbdul Hamid kehilangan takhta, dan Khilafah disembelih agar tamat nyawanya.“Sesungguhnya aku sendiri tidak tahu, siapakah sebenarnya yang memilih mereka ini untukmenghantar berita penggulinganku malam itu”, Sultan Abdul Hamid meluahkan deritahatinya di dalam diari baginda.Perancangan untuk menggulingkan baginda sudah dimulakan lama sebelum malam itu.Beberapa Jumaat kebelakangan ini, nama baginda sudah tidak disebut di dalam khutbah.“Walaupun engkau dipecat, nyawamu berada di dalam jaminan kami”, Esat Pasha menyambung katanya.Sultan Abdul Hamid memandang wajah puteranya Abdul Rahim, serta puteri baginda yang seorang lagi. Malang sungguh anak-anak ini terpaksa menyaksikan kejadian malam itu.“Bawa adik-adik kamu ke dalam”, Sultan Abdul Hamid mengarahkan Amir Abdul Rahim membawa adik beradiknya ke dalam bilik.“Aku tidak membantah keputusanmu. Cuma seperkara yang kuharapkan. Izinkanlah aku bersama keluargaku tinggal di istana Caragan. Anak-anakku ramai. Mereka masih kecil danaku sebagai bapa perlu menyekolahkan mereka”, Sultan Abdul Hamid meminta pertimbangan. Baginda sudah tahu yang tiada gunanya untuk keputusan yang dibawa olehrombongan itu dibantah.Itulah kerisauan terakhir baginda. Mengenangkan masa depan anak-anaknya yang ramai.Sembilan lelaki dan tujuh perempuan adalah jumlah yang besar.
Permintaan Sultan Abdul Hamid II ditolak mentah-mentah oleh keempat-empat lelaki pengkhianat Ummah itu. Malamitu juga, baginda bersama ahli keluarganya hanya dibenarkan membawa sehelai dua pakaian,dan mereka diangkut di dalam gelap menuju ke Stesyen Keretapi Sirkeci di Istanbul Khalifah terakhir rumat Islam, dan ahli keluarganya dibuang negara ke Salonika, Greece .Gerombolan tentera kedengaran melangkah penuh derap ke istana. Meriam diletupkan sebagai petanda Sultan Mehmed V Resad ditabal menjadi raja boneka. Rasmilah malam ituSultan Mehmed V Resad menjadi Khalifah ke 99 umat Islam semenjak Abu Bakr al-Siddiqr.a. Tetapi khalifah yang satu ini sudah tiada kuasa. Hanya boneka umpan menahanpemberontakan masyarakat terhadap pembubaran Khilafah Othmaniyyah.“Entahlah, di saat hidup dan matiku tidak menentu, aku terasa begitu tenang dan aman.Seperti sebuah gunung besar yang selama ini menghempap dadaku, diangkat penuhkelegaan” kata Sultan Abdul Hamid di dalam diarinya.Sultan Abdul Hamid mengusap kepala anaknya Abdul Rahim yang menangis ketakutan.Anak-anaknya yang lain turut menangis sama. Perjalanan dari Sirkeci Istanbul menuju keSalonika di Greece penuh misteri.“Sabarlah anak-anakku. Jika Allah mengkehendaki kematian bagi kita, bukankah kematianitu kesudahan untuk semua”, kata Sultan Abdul Hamid kepada sekalian kaum keraba tbaginda.Kereta api meluncur laju. Bumi khilafah ditinggalkan di belakang.
Berakhirnya Kegemilangan 600 tahun
Sejarah kegemilangan 600 tahun Bani Osman, berakhir malam itu. Palitan hitam yang mustahil untuk diputihkan kembali.Dalam suasana malam yang sejuk, Sultan Abdul Hamid II melunjurkan kakinya di atas kerusi kereta api sambil dipicit oleh anaknya Fatimah.“Sabarlah anakku, Ummah tidak tahu apa yang telah mereka lakukan kepada umatMuhammad ini”, baginda mengusap wajahnya dengan linangan air mata.Lama benar baginda dan ahli keluarganya dikurung di istana Yahudi yang buruk itu. Merekadikurung di dalam bilik tanpa perabot. Pintu dan tingkap istana, dilarang daripada dibuka.Hari demi hari, adalah kematian sebelum mati bagi baginda sekeluarga. Akhirnya pada tahun1912, Sultan Abdul Hamid dibawa pulang ke Istanbul, dan anak-anaknya bercerai berai,dibuang ke Perancis sebagai pengemis dan pelarian yang merempat di jalanan.
Sultan Abdul Hamid dikurung di Istana Beylerbeyi selama 6 tahun.“Maafkan patik, Tuanku. Mereka tidak mengizinkan saya untuk hadir lebih awal”, doktoryang merawat Sultan Abdul Hamid berbisik ke telinga baginda.Nafas Sultan Abdul Hamid turun naik. Penyakit asthma baginda semakin serius. Doktorsudah tidak dapat berbuat apa-apa.Renungan Sultan Abdul Hamid menghancurkan hati doktor tersebut. Bagaimana seorangkhalifah umat ini harus menemui ajalnya di tangan beliau.“Ampunkan aku ya Allah. Tiada upaya bagi hamba-Mu yang lemah ini”, seorang doktorsudah hilang upaya.Baginda Sultan Abdul Hamid II telah menghembuskan nafasnya yang terakhir di dalamkurungan di Istana Beylerbeyi pada 10 Februari, 1918. Pemergiannya diratapi oleh seluruhpenduduk Istanbul kerana mereka sudah sedar, apakah harga kebodohan mereka membiarkanKhilafah Othmaniyyah dilumpuhkan selepas penggulingan Sultan Abdul Hamid, 10 tahunyang lalu. Menangislah… tiada sejarah yang mampu memadamkan penyesalan itu.Nukilan dari muzakirat/diari Sultan Abdul Hamid Kejatuhan Empayar Othmaniah sebenarnya bermula sejak dari pemerintahan Sultan MahmudII (1808 -1839) lagi.
Punca Kejatuhan Turki Uthmaniyyah
Kita boleh melihat puncanya dari dua sudut
Pertama : Pemodenan mengikut arus barat.
Kedua : Meninggalkan amalan Islam.
Ada agenda tersembunyi yang perlu kita fahami. Sepanjang kurun ke 19 berlaku proses perindustrian dan elektonik di Eropah, ianya bukan satu proses semula jadi bahkan satu perancangan pihak tertentu untuk mengaut keuntungan. Apa yang terjadi ? Kemajuan teknologii membawa saudara kembarnya yang menjadi protokol atau prosedur bersama-samanya iaitu bon – bon, sekuriti, wang kertas dan lain – lain instrument kewangan.Bermula dari projek pembinaan keretapi yang memerlukan modal yang besar (Istanbul ke Makkah) , cara pembayaran Islam tidak boleh dipakai. Mereka menumpu di Turki sebagai pusat pemerintahan dan Mesir sebagai pusat intelektual Islam. Cara perniagaan atau muamalat islam mesti diketepikan, maknanya keputusan para Ulamak dalam hal – hal perniagaan tidak diperlukan lagi.Selama ini umat Islam menguasai bidang perniagaan dan perdagagan sementara masyarakat Yahudi dan Kristian membayar jizyah bagi keselamatan mereka dan membenarkan mereka tidak ikut serta dalam kewajipan ketenteraan. Malangnya selepas tugasan penyusunan semulamasyarakat diserahkan kepada Bankers Yahudi atas nama untuk memodenkan KhilafahOthmaniah , pekara yang sebaliknya berlaku orang Yahudi dan Kristian menjadi TUAN/Masters kaya raya sedangkan rakyat Khilafah pulak menjadi miskin.
Sultan Mahmud II membentuk tentera diraja bermodelkan tentera British. Tentera jihad di ganti dengan tentera makan gaji. Sistem demokrasi diperkenalkan, jawatan wazir besardiganti dengan Perdana Menteri. Cukai dinaikkan.Tanzimat (reformasi) diperkenalkan pada tahun 1839 oleh Sultan Abdul Mecit .Sistem kerajaan tempatan digantikan dengan model Perancis. Ini menyebabkabkan sistem perniagaan Bazaar, khidmat masyarakat melalui waqaf yang dipanggil imaret dan millet (majlis perlindungan bagi golongan minoriti ) tidak lagi berfungsi . Pendidikan dua aliran diperkenalkan , tradisional dan sekular yang bertulang belakangkan stok, bon dan lain – laininstitusi kewangan moden. Ini berlaku secara tidak sedar atas nama memodenkan empayar.Undang – undang Islam keatas status ahlu Zhimmah dihapuskan. Reformasi Tanzimat memfokuskan kepada pemusatan pentadbiran ( administrative centralization) menggantikan sistem autonomi amiriah tempatan. Tiga wazir yang menjayakan tanzimat ialah Rechid, Alidan Fuad Pasha. Mereka bersahabat baik dengan banker Yahudi bernama Camondo. Merekamenghabiskan banyak masa mereka di Paris mempelajari teknik permodenan barat. Nasihatdari financial planner Yahudi diperlukan bagi memodenkan empayar.Kebanyakan orang Yahudi di Istanbul tinggal di Galata. Isaac Camondo menubuhkan BankCamondo pada tahun 1802. Saudaranya Abraham-Salomon Camondo menggantikannya padatahun 1832. Kerana sumbangannya yang besar kepada tanzimat beliau dianugerahkan Nishan-I Iftihar dan menjadi Komander Mejidiye pada tahun 1849.
Pada tahun 1842 wang kertas KAIMA diperkenalkan menggantikan dinar dan dirham , in imembawa kepada penguasan banker YAHUDI keatas kedaulatan khilafah. Secara tidak sedar, banker-banker ini dijemput untuk mencipta system kewangan moden dengan system riba mereka melalui bon, kredit, saham dan pengeluaran wang kertas yang dikuasai banker Yahudi. Reformasi kewangan memberi mereka peluang untuk membuka bank – bank baru. Pada tahun 1845 Kerajaan Othmaniah bersama Mm. Alleon dan Theodore Baltazzi menubuhkan Bank of Constantinople bagi tujuan memberi pinjaman kepada kerajaan. Perang Krimea memberi peluang kepada banker Yahudi berkembang dalam Empayar Othmaniah.Kerajaan memerlukan dana untuk peperangan. Bank memberi pinjaman dengan interest.Ottoman Bank ditubuhkan pada tahun 1856, ia menjadi satu langkah kepada penubuhan bank pusat dengan dana dari luar dengan jumlah 500,000 pound sterling. Transformasi modal persendirian kepada Bank Pusat akan membawa kepada system kuasa berada ditangan pemiliknya banker – banker Yahudi Antarabangsa.Keluarga Rothschilds yang terlibat dalam penubuhan Federal Reserve USA juga turut terlibat atas nama pelaburan melalui Alphonse de Rothchilds dan bapanya James Rothschilds membuka cawangan French Rothchilds Bank di Istanbul.Kerja – kerja untuk penubuhan bank pusat akhirnya berjaya dengan tertubuhnya La Bank Imperiale Ottomane pada tahun 1863 dengan bantuan Yahudi bernama Emil dan Isaac Pereire. Ini model yang menjadi supe rbank seterusnya dari Bank pusat kepada Bank Dunia dan International Monetary Fund. Bank ini menjadi bankers bank, dengan deposit danpengumpul dan pengedaran kredit. Ia akan menentukan kadar antara Bank, memberi pinjaman, jual dan beli, membincangkan pembelian komoditi, memberi dana dan melibatkandiri dalam projek pelaburan dan mengeluarkan dan mencetak wang baru.Bank Camondo hanyalah bank biasa, Ottoman bank ialah bank dengan dana tempatanseterusnya bank baru Imperial Ottoman bank menjadi Bank Pusat dengan dana antarabangsa.Satu system penguasaan kewangan telah diletakkan batu asasnya. Bank ini akan menyerap masuk dalam setiap aktiviti masyarakat bermula dari kedai runcit. Tidak ada aktiviti masyarakat yang dapat lepas dari Bank. Dari aktiviti jual beli, simpanan seterusnya danakewangan dan pelaburan , semuanya melibatkan bank. Mereka menjadi Tuan kepada dunia. Masters of the Worlds.
Pada tahun 1858 bankers Yahudi telah meletakkan syarat pinjaman dengan jaminan tranformasi sosial kepada Kerajaan Othmaniah. Ini menunjukkan sistem ekonomi hutang berkait rapat dengan kejuruteraan sosial. Pada waktu itu jizyah sudah berkubur. Bank Yahudi bertapak, sistem politik Nasrani Kristian menjadi penggerak empayar Othmaniah! Hakmenandatangani kerajaan tergadai kepada peminjam wang. Tahun itu juga , undang - undangtanah baru menafikan hak Sultan. Seterusnya tahun 1867 , orang asing dibenarkan membeli tanah.Projek keretapi menghubungkan Istanbul ke Vienna , Austria dikatakan akan menghubungkan dunia Islam dan Eropah. Oleh kerana projek ini begitu besar, begitu jugalahperanan penipuan besar oleh bank - bank Yahud di London, Paris dan Brussel dalam membiayai projek ini dengan bon - bon kerajaan Othmaniah. Pada tahun 1873 , berlaku 'crash 1873 ' yang membawa kepada kejatuhan nilai bon - bon tersebut. Projek ini bukan sahaja pembanggunan fizikal dalam bentuk konkrit bangunan semata - mata. Bahkan suatu gerakan yang mengatasi ruang lingkup sempadan nasional dan bangsa tetapi didalang idengan angka - angka pada dokumen kewangan yan dipanggil saham dan bon.
Pada tahun 1875 Kerajaan Othmaniah diistiharkan muflis kerana tidak mampu membayar hutang. Suruhanjaya Asing dilantik mewakil pemegang saham asing. Kerajaan terpaksa mengenakan cukai terhadap rakyat. Serbia memberotak. Bosnia diserahkan kepada Austria dibawah bendera Othmani. Jalan keretapi tidak siap tetapi separuh dari perniagaan laut telah jatuh ke tangan British.Kesan mengurangkan perjalanan dari Vienna ke Istanbul dari seminggu ke 40 jam ialah kejatuhan Khilafah Othmaniah. Sultan Abdul Hamid menjadi Khalifah pada tahun 1876. Beliau mahu kembali kepada pemerintahan asal Othmaniah sebelum tanzimat. Beliau menolak sistem hiraki barat dan mahukan sistem Topkapi (nama sebuah istana lama di Istanbul ) dan imaret diperintah oleh keluarga diraja Othmaniah semula. Beliau tidak percaya kepada pegawai - pegawai yang berkhidmat sebelumnya. Secara beransur -ansur beliau mengurangkan peranan mereka dalam kerajaan. Beliau berjaya mengurangkan hutang kerajaan.
Pada tahun 1896, perwakilan Zionis telah menemui beliau. Sebagai tawaran untuk mendapatkan Palestin mereka memberi tawaran untuk memperbaiki keadaan krisis kewangan yang dihadapi oleh kerajaan Othmaniah. Bagaimana seorang yang tidak mempuyai tanah airnya sendiri boleh membuat tawaran kepada pewaris salah satu empayar terbesar di dunia. Jawapannya ialah satu bentuk kuasa baru telah muncul, kuasa bank telah mengatasi kuasa kerajaan atau kuasa politik. Kuasa tidak lagi dalam bentuk ketenteraan tetapi dalam bentuk jumlah nombor wang dalam bank. Politik dijadikan alat untuk mengawal masyarakat.Kuasa politik pulak dijadikan alat bank untuk menjalankan projeknya.Sultan Abdul Hamid telah mengungkapkan kata-kata bersejarah yang ditujukan kepada Herzl melalui utusan yang dihantar untuk perundingan tersebut :
"Saya menganjurkan supaya dia (Hezrl) tidak meneruskan perkara ini (usaha mendapatkantanah Palestin). Saya tidak dapat menjualkan walaupun satu kaki persegi daripada tanah inikerana ianya bukan milik saya, tetapi milik rakyat saya. Rakyat saya telah membentuk sertamengekalkan Empayar ini dengan pengorbanan dan darah, dan kami akan mempertahankannya dengan darah kami sebelum menyerahkannya kepada sesiapapun.Biarlah yahudi-yahudi itu menyimpan sahaja wang mereka yang berbilion-bilion itu. Jika sekiranya Empayar ini berpecah, maka mereka boleh mengambil Palestin secara percuma.Tetapi mestilah dilangkah mayat kami dahulu, dan saya tidak akan membenarkan ianya berlaku atas sebab apapun.."Sultan Abdul Hamid digulingkan pada tahun 1908. Pada tahun itu juga , pejabat pertama Zionis di buka di Palestin dibawah firma Rohschilds. Maka berakhirlah empayar Othmaniah walaupun ia masih belum secara rasmi sehingga tahun 1924. Selepas dari rentetan peristiwa itu maka tertubuhlah Repulik Turki yang SEKULAR dan Kamal Ataturk menjadi Presiden Republik Turki yang pertama, Islam dan Kehidupan dipisahkan.
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Hilangnya Dinar dan Dirham dari Arab Saudi
Hilangnya Dinar dan Dirham dari Arab Saudi
Ramai yang suka bertanya: mengapa Pemerintah Arab Saudi memakai wang riyal kertas, dan bukan Dinar dan Dirham? Ini sebahagian dari jawapannya.
Untuk menjawab pertanyaan mengapa Saudi Arabia memakai wang kertas riyal, dan bukan Dinar emas dan Dirham perak, kita perlu mengetahui kedudukan kerajaan ini. Pada mulanya wilayah Hijaz adalah sebahagian dari Daulah Utsmaniah yang, tentu sahaja, menggunakan Dinar emas dan Dirham perak sebagai mata wangnya. Pada pertengahan abad ke-18, sebuah amirat lokal, dipimpin oleh amirnya, Muhammad ibn Sa'ud (meninggal 1765), menguasai suatu desa yang kering dan miskin, Dariyah. kegiatannya yang selalu membuat onak, dan mengganggu jamaah haji, kelompok Al Sa'ud terus-menerus dalam konflik dengan pemerintahan Utsmaniah. Mereka mendapat bantuan dari Kerajaan British.
Pada tahun 1924, Parlimen Turki melalui Kamal Artarturk telah mengistiharkan bahawa Khilafiah Othmaniah sudah berakhir dan mengistiharkan penubuhan Republik Turki. Undang - undang shariah pada masa yang sama digantikan dengan undang - undang sekular.Empat hari selepas pengistiharan tersebut, Sharif Hussain yang menjadi penjaga haramain wilayah Othmaniah selama ini mengistiharkan dirinya sebagai Khalifah.
Salah satu mata rantai awal pemberontakan ini sendiri, adalah Amir di Najd waktu itu, Abdullah Ibn Sa'ud, berhasil ditangkap dan akhirnya dipancung di depan istana Topkapi, di Istanbul, setelah diadili dan dinyatakan sebagai seorang zindiq, pada 1818.
Pada 13 Oktober dan 5 Disember tahun 1924, Abdul Aziz bin Saud telah menawan Kota Mekah dan Madinah. Jeddah di awal tahun 1925. Pada tahun 1925 juga, di bulan Desember, Ibn Sa`ud menyatakan diri sebagai Raja Hijaz, dan pada awal Januari 1926 ia menjadi Raja Hijaz dan Sultan Najd dan daerah-daerah bawahannya. Untuk pertama kali , empat wilayah penting di Jazirah Arabia, yaitu Najd, Hijaz, `Asir, dan Hasa, kembali berada di tangan kekuasaan suku Saud. Pada tahun 1932, Ibn Saud telah berhasil menyatukan apa yang sekarang dikenal sebagai Kerajaan Saudi Arabia.
Sebuah bank asing ditubuhkan di Jiddah pada tahun1926, tetapi kepentingannya sangat kecil. Bank-bank asing dan tempatan telah terbentuk apabilai pendapatan minyak mula meningkat. Perniagaan mereka mengandungi kebanyakannya membuat memberi pinjaman jangka pendek, membiayai import, dagangan perdagangan, dan syarikat-syarikat yang memenuhi keperluan jemaah-jemaah haji.
Meninggalkan Muamalat
Sejak awal, Pemerintahan Saudi Arabia, merupakan sekutu Barat (bermula dengan British, kemudian Amerika Syarikat), dan menjadi semakin erat dengan penemuan minyak pada tahun 1950-an. Beroperasinya perusahaan minyak raksasa (Aramco = Arabian-American Oil Company) dengan markas besarnya di Dahran, di tempat yang sama dengan Pangkalan Tentera AS (i 1946), di Hijaz, merupakan simbol dan sekaligus sumber kekuasaan Rejim Sa'ud sampai ketika ini. Semakin hari kita semakin kita ketahui Rejim Saud makin meninggalkan muamalat dan mendakap kapitalisme barat.
Raja Abdul Aziz bin Sa'ud, pengasas Saudi Arabia, berkuasa penuh mulai tahun 1926 sampai 1953. Pada mulanya, setelah memasuki Mekkah (8 Jumadil Ula 1343 H), beliau menolak wang kertas di wilayahnya, setelah memusnahkan wang kertas lira Turki sekular yang beredar di Haramain. Pada masa pemerintahannya, jamaah haji dari penjuru dunia menggunakan belbagai jenis koin emas dan perak dari negara masing-masing. Namun koin dinar Hashimi dan riyal perak Austria - Maria Theresa, juga riyal perak Hijaz yang paling popular di sana.
Maka, pada tahun 1950-an, adat kisah Raja Abdul Aziz yang selalu membawa harta kerajaan yang berupa koin emas-perak kemanapun dia pergi bagaikan orang kolot dan primitif. Namun setelah dia wafat, penggantinya, Raja Sa'ud bin Abdul Aziz (1953-1964), bersikap lain. Sejak ia berkuasa, dengan bantuan teknikal Amerika Syarikat pada tahun 1952 Arab Saudi Monetary Agency (SAMA) ditubuhkan dan menerbitkan wang kertas riyal pada tahun 1961 melalui Dekrit Kerajaan 1.7. 1379 H, dalam pecahan 1 - 100 riyal.
Raja tergiur menerbitkan wang kertas kerana lebih menguntungkan daripada mencetak koin-koin riyal perak. Idea wang kertas diambil dari usaha SAMA atas penerbitan wang kertas resit yang berjalan dalam percubaan (trial) pada musim haji sepanjang tahun 1953-1957. Dengan menerbitkan Haj Pilgrim Receipt dalam satuan riyal perak, SAMA mulai menarik semua jenis koin emas dan perak yang beredar di Haramain. Para jamaah haji dari luar negera pun diwajibkan menukarkan koin emas perak yang mereka bawa.
Setelah populer, kupon haji itu pun kemudian dinyatakan tidak berlaku lagi sejak Oktober 1963 dan akhirya tanggal 20 Mac 1964, diganti dengan wang kertas riyal.
10 Riyal 1968 – Tiada lagi sandaran Perak.
Masalahnya sejak saat itu, ONH atau BPIH (Biaya Perjalanan Ibadah Haji) wajib dibayar dalam wang kertas dolar AS, bukan dengan wang kertas riyal! Sebab Kerajaan Saudi Arabia telah menyepakati pula berlakunya perjanjian Bretton Wood (1944), yang menyatakan bahwa dolar AS adalah satu-satunya mata wang yang laku untuk transaksi internasional. Segala transaksi dengan koin dinar Hashimi dan riyal perak (1 riyal = 4 dirham), termasuk koin real Maria Theresa di batalkan oleh negara. Maka umat Islam sedunia berduka atas hilangnya mata uang syariah dinar dan dirham.
Genaplah sudah makna hadis dengan maksud berikut: "Tak seorang pun manusia yang tidak memakan riba" yang diriwayatkan oleh Abu Daud, semoga Allah merahmatinya. Dinar dan Dirham dihapuskan sampai dua kali, pertama 1914 oleh Sultan-sultan boneka sisa Daulah Utsmaniah(Turki), dan keduanya pada tahun 1964 oleh KSA tersebut di atas. Tapi para ulama belum dapat mengambil kesimpulan dari terbitnya wang kertas riyal ini, tentang status halal-haramnya wang kertas. Sampai, akhirnya, diterbitkan fatwa tentang wang kertas, pada tahun 1984, yang menyatakan bahwa wang kertas adalah halal.
Lahirlah Fatwa : "Berkenaan hukum wang kertas fiat : Ia adalah matawang pada hukumnya disebabkan padanya terdapat sifat nilai harga yang lengkap, dan oleh itu semua hukum hakam yang ada pada emas dan perak adalah jatuh kepada wang kertas fiat seperti hukum berkaitan riba, kewajiban zakat, jual beli secara salam, dan seluruh hukum emas dan perak. (qararat wa tawsiat, Majma Al-Fiqh Al-Islami, hlm 40)
Begitulah, sejarah Islam yang dapat kita ketahui, fatwa Saudi Arabia yang menghalalkan wang kertas, satu-satunya fatwa resmi dari suatu pemerintahan ("Islam") di dunia ini. Tetapi, kisah ringkas sejarah ekonomi politik Saudi Arabia sebagaimana diuraikan di atas, kiranya cukup menjelaskan mengapa Saudi Arabia menggunakan riyal kertas, dan bukan Dinar emas dan Dirham perak.
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Harga Emas Mungkin Naik Kepada AS$2,000
Harga Emas Mungkin Naik Kepada AS$2,000 Dalam Masa Dua Tahun Akan Datang, Kata Habib Jewels
CYBERJAYA, 9 Nov (Bernama) -- Harga emas mungkin naik sehingga AS$2,000 seaun pada masa dua tahun akan datang dengan asas yang kukuh, kata Pengarah Urusan Habib Jewels Datuk Meer Sadik Habib.
Bagaimanapun Meer Sadik berkata bagi tempoh yang lebih lama, harga mungkin naik, antara lain disebabkan oleh kelemahan dolar Amerika.
"Jangka panjang adalah baik memandangkan AS mencetak wang yang banyak dan ini negatif kepada dolar AS, yang merupakan satu daripada alasan harga emas yang lebih tinggi," katanya.
Pada umumnya, Meer Sadik berkata, memandangkan asasnya kekal, permintaan bagi emas masih lebih tinggi berbanding bekalan, dengan itu memberi tekanan menaik terhadap harga.
"Baru-baru ini, kita juga melihat banyak pelabur meninjau untuk membeli emas dan barang kemas.
"Banyak negara menyimpan emas. Negara besar seperti India dan China menyimpan kira-kira US$2 trilion rizab emas," katanya.
Meer Sadik berkata beliau yakin harga, yang kini berlegar pada US$1,400, mungkin naik kepada US$1,750 pada tahun depan dan kepada US$2,000 dalam masa dua tahun akan datang.
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Dinar Jordan
Dinar Sudan
Dinar Iraq
Selamat Hari Raya Aidiladha kepada semua...disini saya ingin menjelaskan sedikit tentang dinar-dinar kertas iaitu matawang sesetengah negara yang namanya dinar tapi ianya sama seperti fiat money biasa. Ianya bukanlah dinar emas tetapi wang kertas yang mana nilainya berbeza-beza mengikut keadaan sesuatu negara yg meletakkan nilainya sendiri. Sangat jauh perbezaan dengan dinar emas yang tulin yang nilainya hampir sama walaupun rupanya berbeza. Baik dinar Kelantan, dinar Public Dinar atau dinar UAE sebabnya mudah iaitu ia diperbuat daripada emas ketulinan 916 dengan beratnya 4.25gram satu dinar. Dinar emas sebenar diterima diseluruh dunia mengikut harga emas semasa, tetapi dinar Sudan atau lain-lain dinar kertas tisu tandas tak sama nilai dan kadang-kadang tak laku disesebuah negara. Jadi faham betul betul, dinar yang sunnah sejak zaman rasullullah ialah syiling emas 4.25gram ketulinan 916. Dinar Iraq dan lain2 kertas ialah rekaan Yahudi dan Barat untuk menguasai ekonomi umat Islam. Jadi marilah kita sama sama kembali menggunakan Dinar Emas yang sebenar dalam urusan ekonomi umat Islam.
Dinar Sudan
Dinar Iraq
Selamat Hari Raya Aidiladha kepada semua...disini saya ingin menjelaskan sedikit tentang dinar-dinar kertas iaitu matawang sesetengah negara yang namanya dinar tapi ianya sama seperti fiat money biasa. Ianya bukanlah dinar emas tetapi wang kertas yang mana nilainya berbeza-beza mengikut keadaan sesuatu negara yg meletakkan nilainya sendiri. Sangat jauh perbezaan dengan dinar emas yang tulin yang nilainya hampir sama walaupun rupanya berbeza. Baik dinar Kelantan, dinar Public Dinar atau dinar UAE sebabnya mudah iaitu ia diperbuat daripada emas ketulinan 916 dengan beratnya 4.25gram satu dinar. Dinar emas sebenar diterima diseluruh dunia mengikut harga emas semasa, tetapi dinar Sudan atau lain-lain dinar kertas tisu tandas tak sama nilai dan kadang-kadang tak laku disesebuah negara. Jadi faham betul betul, dinar yang sunnah sejak zaman rasullullah ialah syiling emas 4.25gram ketulinan 916. Dinar Iraq dan lain2 kertas ialah rekaan Yahudi dan Barat untuk menguasai ekonomi umat Islam. Jadi marilah kita sama sama kembali menggunakan Dinar Emas yang sebenar dalam urusan ekonomi umat Islam.
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Kelantan Lantik Wakil Pasarkan Dinar Emas ke China
KOTA BHARU, 10 Nov: Kerajaan Kelantan bercadang melantik wakil (wakalah) bagi memasarkan mata wang syariah di China, kata Pengerusi Jawatankuasa Perancangan Ekonomi, Kewangan dan Kebajikan Masyarakat, Datuk Husam Musa.
Beliau berkata, usaha itu dilakukan bagi memperluaskan penggunaan Dinar dan Dirham ke seluruh dunia.
Kata beliau Dinar dan Dirham digunakan secara meluas di Indonesia yang lebih dikenali sebagai logam mulia.
Begitu juga katanya Dinar digunakan di Granada, Sepanyol dan Amerika Syarikat dalam bentuk syiling emas.
”Di Amerika Syarikat gold coin sama berat dengan standard emas 22 karat yang telah digunakan dalam sistem perdagangan antarabangsa.
”Standard yang digunakan itu sama dengan Dinar yang digunakan oleh pemerintah Islam di zaman Khalifah Othamiah,” katanya menjawab soalan Hanifa Ahmad (PAS-Pengkalan Pasir) pada persidangan Dun hari ini.
Beliau juga mencadangkan bayaran deposit pembantu rumah dari Indonesia digunakan menggunakan Dinar berbanding Rupiah yang digunakan sekarang.
Pengerusi Jawatankuasa Pembangunan Wanita, Keluarga dan Kesihatan, Wan Ubaidah Omar berkata, sehingga sekarang lebih 2,000 wanita dilatih dalam pelbagai bidang kemahiran di Pusat Pengembangan Wanita Kelantan (PPWK).
Bidang kemahiran yang diajar termasuk jahitan, sulaman dan masakan.
”Sebelum ini seramai lapan wanita mendalami bidang sulaman di Bukit Tinggi, Indonesia dan sekarang mereka mengajar kemahiran itu kepada wanita di sini,” katanya menjawab soalan Zulkefli Mamat (PAS-Pulai Chondong).
Ayuhhh mari kita perluaskan penggunaan Dinar dan Dirham di negara kita...
Beliau berkata, usaha itu dilakukan bagi memperluaskan penggunaan Dinar dan Dirham ke seluruh dunia.
Kata beliau Dinar dan Dirham digunakan secara meluas di Indonesia yang lebih dikenali sebagai logam mulia.
Begitu juga katanya Dinar digunakan di Granada, Sepanyol dan Amerika Syarikat dalam bentuk syiling emas.
”Di Amerika Syarikat gold coin sama berat dengan standard emas 22 karat yang telah digunakan dalam sistem perdagangan antarabangsa.
”Standard yang digunakan itu sama dengan Dinar yang digunakan oleh pemerintah Islam di zaman Khalifah Othamiah,” katanya menjawab soalan Hanifa Ahmad (PAS-Pengkalan Pasir) pada persidangan Dun hari ini.
Beliau juga mencadangkan bayaran deposit pembantu rumah dari Indonesia digunakan menggunakan Dinar berbanding Rupiah yang digunakan sekarang.
Pengerusi Jawatankuasa Pembangunan Wanita, Keluarga dan Kesihatan, Wan Ubaidah Omar berkata, sehingga sekarang lebih 2,000 wanita dilatih dalam pelbagai bidang kemahiran di Pusat Pengembangan Wanita Kelantan (PPWK).
Bidang kemahiran yang diajar termasuk jahitan, sulaman dan masakan.
”Sebelum ini seramai lapan wanita mendalami bidang sulaman di Bukit Tinggi, Indonesia dan sekarang mereka mengajar kemahiran itu kepada wanita di sini,” katanya menjawab soalan Zulkefli Mamat (PAS-Pulai Chondong).
Ayuhhh mari kita perluaskan penggunaan Dinar dan Dirham di negara kita...
Tuesday, November 09, 2010
Richard Russell - US Bankrupt, Gold Rocketing Higher-King World News
Richard Russell - US Bankrupt, Gold Rocketing Higher
November 7, 2010
With gold hitting new all-time highs, in his latest commentary, the Godfather of newsletter writers Richard Russell stated, "By the end of the second quarter of 2011 the Fed will have created $2.5 trillion dollars out of the blue. This is monetization of the debt, pure and simple. Bernanke is creating oceans of fiat money out of thin air as the Fed moves to cover the enormous debts that a profligate Congress has approved of."
Russell continues:
"This disaster has not been lost on the great majority of Americans.
The Fed has been worried about deflation and unemployment. The Fed's idea in buying Treasury bonds ($75 billion every month) is to drive down longer-term interest rates and thus make it more attractive for Americans to take out mortgages. Perhaps lower mortgage rates will induce more Americans to buy houses, and that in turn might even raise home prices.
My mentor, the great Dow Theorist, E. George Schaefer, noted that because of the greater participation of an emotional public, the stock market and the Averages now tend to push past supposed resistance levels, thereby giving false signals. I agree. Right now the market is reacting to events never seen before. The US has never seen a time when $2.5 trillion in dollars have been added to the system in a matter of 21 months. Businessmen have never had to deal with a situation where the government is spending an amount equal to a quarter of its Gross Domestic Product.
...Through it all, the stock market has been soaring and gold is trading at record highs. At the same time, commodities are rocketing higher, putting an early squeeze on consumer's pocketbooks.
During the 1930s and the Great Depression, if you possessed hard-to-find dollars you were a king. You could literally buy anything you wanted.
"Buddy, can you spare a dime?" That was the sad song of the '30s. "A dime?" grumbles today's American, what good's a stinkin' dime?" During the Great Depression a dime was a treasure. With a dime I could go to White Tower (which I did many times) and buy TWO hamburgers. Or I could go down to the Automat on Broadway and 43rd Street, and for two nickels I could buy a cup of hot chocolate and a delicious seeded roll.
...During the Depression the Fed allowed the money supply to shrink dramatically (up to 80%). Bernanke knows all about that, and he's vowed that this time the money supply will not shrink on his watch. Actually Bernanke will see to it that the money supply expands. And a massive expansion of the money supply, he's certain, should end this Great Recession.
...And in retrospect, maybe Russell was right. Maybe they should have allowed the bear market to fully express itself. That couldn't have been any worse than what we're going through now. And at least the US wouldn't have been bankrupt. Oh well."
Monday, November 01, 2010
US Dolar tisu tandas???? Kata tok wan saya
KUALA LUMPUR 1 Nov. – Penggunaan dinar emas perlu dipertimbangkan oleh semua kerajaan negara dunia kerana kestabilan nilainya berbanding penggunaan mata wang yang tidak menentu naik turunnya. Bekas Perdana Menteri, Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad berkata, langkah menggunakan dinar emas sebagai ganti mata wang utama seperti dolar Amerika Syarikat (AS) dalam pelbagai transaksi juga boleh menghentikan perang mata wang Katanya, dolar AS kini sudah tidak bernilai seperti mana beberapa tahun dahulu dan penggunaan mata wang kertas juga tiada lagi sehebat sebelum krisis ekonomi pada tahun 1997/98 dan penggunaan dinar emas adalah jalan penyelesaian terbaik. Mata wang AS kini boleh dianggap sebagai tisu tandas kerana nilainya semakin menyusut dan tidak berharga berbanding emas yang diterima di semua negara dunia,” katanya. Beliau berkata demikian selepas menyampaikan ucaptama pada Persidangan Dunia Pertama Mengenai Riba di sini hari ini. Bagaimanapun, kata bekas Perdana Menteri itu, dinar emas tidak sesuai untuk digunakan dalam urus niaga runcit seperti mana hasrat Kerajaan Kelantan yang mahu menggunakan dinar emas dalam transaksi jual beli. Mengulas lanjut kata beliau, penyusutan nilai dolar AS pada ketika ini menjadi satu masalah yang cukup besar kepada negara-negara yang menyimpan dan bergantung kepada nilai mata wang itu. “Jika setiap negara menurunkan nilai mata wangnya, pasti akan ada perang mata wang dan sudah tentu, menyumbang kepada krisis,” katanya. Beliau tetap berpegang bahawa emas mempunyai nilai kukuh dan merupakan nilai yang lebih baik berbanding mata wang. “Mata wang tidak ada sokongan kecuali dicari oleh orang ramai. Sekiranya negara-negara mula menurunkan nilai mata wang mereka, akan berlaku kekecohan dalam perdagangan antarabangsa,” kata Dr. Mahathir. Terdahulu dalam ucaptamanya, negara-negara Islam mesti membangunkan pengurusan sistem kewangan Islam yang berhemat. Ia mesti lebih baik berbanding sistem kewangan konvensional sedia ada, yang mampu menampung kejutan dan tidak dimanipulasi penyangak. Dengan peserta industri mencari jalan untuk mencergaskan kewangan, sistem kewangan global sendiri amat memerlukan pengurusan yang sempurna, katanya. “Saya jangka kewangan Islam akan berkembang, tetapi cabarannya ialah pengurusan berhemat dan sistem yang lebih baik. Jangan ikut sistem konvensional yang berurusan dalam segala bidang,” katanya.Antara gesaan beliau kepada negara Islam ialah menggunakan dinar emas sebagai alternatif, bagi mengurangkan pergantungan terhadap dolar AS sebagai mata wang lobal untuk perdagangan.
Thursday, October 28, 2010
US Dollar Strength, Weakness and the Price of Gold: A Primer
When the US Dollar gets stronger, it takes fewer dollars to buy any commodity that is priced in $USD. When the US Dollar gets weaker it takes more dollars to purchase the same commodity.
The price of all US Dollar denominated commodities, like gold, will change to reflect the fact that it will take fewer or more dollars to buy that commodity. So it’s quite possible, in fact it’s almost always the case that a portion of the change in the price of gold is really just a reflection of a change in the value of the US Dollar. Sometimes that portion is insignificant. But often the opposite is true where the entire change in the gold price is simply a mathematical recalculation of an ever-changing US Dollar value.
When the dollar gets strong, gold appears to go down, and vice versa. That accounts for part of the fluctuations that we see in the value of gold.
The other part is an actual increase in the supply or demand for gold. If the price is higher when being measured not only in US Dollars, but also in Euros, Pounds Sterling, Japanese Yen, and every other major currency, then we know the gold demand is higher and it has actually increased in value.
Consequently, if gold is higher in US Dollars while at the same time cheaper in every other currency, then we can conclude that the US Dollar has weakened, and that gold has actually lost value in all other currencies. But the price, because it is being quoted in $USD will be higher and give the illusion of gold becoming more valuable. In such a case the devaluation of gold, due to increased supply on the market, is camouflaged by a weakened US Dollar.
Our feature on breaks the change of the price of gold into 2 components. One part shows you how much of that change can be attributed to US Dollar strength, or lack of it. The other portion is indicative of how much the price changed as a result of normal trading. Interestingly whatever changes happen to the price of gold as a result of US Dollar strength/weakness also occurs to every other US Dollar denominated commodity by the exact same proportion.
The price of all US Dollar denominated commodities, like gold, will change to reflect the fact that it will take fewer or more dollars to buy that commodity. So it’s quite possible, in fact it’s almost always the case that a portion of the change in the price of gold is really just a reflection of a change in the value of the US Dollar. Sometimes that portion is insignificant. But often the opposite is true where the entire change in the gold price is simply a mathematical recalculation of an ever-changing US Dollar value.
When the dollar gets strong, gold appears to go down, and vice versa. That accounts for part of the fluctuations that we see in the value of gold.
The other part is an actual increase in the supply or demand for gold. If the price is higher when being measured not only in US Dollars, but also in Euros, Pounds Sterling, Japanese Yen, and every other major currency, then we know the gold demand is higher and it has actually increased in value.
Consequently, if gold is higher in US Dollars while at the same time cheaper in every other currency, then we can conclude that the US Dollar has weakened, and that gold has actually lost value in all other currencies. But the price, because it is being quoted in $USD will be higher and give the illusion of gold becoming more valuable. In such a case the devaluation of gold, due to increased supply on the market, is camouflaged by a weakened US Dollar.
Our feature on breaks the change of the price of gold into 2 components. One part shows you how much of that change can be attributed to US Dollar strength, or lack of it. The other portion is indicative of how much the price changed as a result of normal trading. Interestingly whatever changes happen to the price of gold as a result of US Dollar strength/weakness also occurs to every other US Dollar denominated commodity by the exact same proportion.
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Dinar dan purchasing power untuk Haji
Kos untuk menunaikan haji pada tahun 2006 adalah sekitar
RM 10,000, Mari kita congak bagaimana simpan dinar lebih untung.....
Tahun 2002 - 1 Dinar = RM 140.00, Perlu 72 Dinar
Tahun 2003 - 1 Dinar = RM 168.00, perlu 60 Dinar
Tahun 2004 - 1 Dinar = RM 202.00, perlu 50 Dinar
Tahun 2005 - 1 Dinar = RM 242.00, perlu 42 Dinar
Tahun 2006 - 1 Dinar = RM 290.00, perlu 34 Dinar
Tahun 2007 - 1 Dinar = RM 348.00, perlu 29 Dinar
Tahun 2008 - 1 Dinar = RM 418.00, perlu 23 Dinar
Tahun 2009 - 1 Dinar = RM 502.00, perlu 20 Dinar
Tahun 2010 – 1 Dinar harga sekitar RM600... brp dinarkah perlu untuk naik haji tahun ini???
Yaa... lebih kurang 16 Dinar. Jadi dengan menyimpan dinar emas ia meningkatkan purchasing power untuk menampung kos tambang haji.
Bagi tahun 2010 pakej untuk mengerjakan haji meningkat kepada lebih kurang RM 13,000 tetapi Kerajaan memberi bantuan sebanyak lebih kurang RM 3060 menjadikan dalam anggaran RM 9980.
Jadi...simpanlah dinar emas anda untuk pelaburan dan simpanan anda untuk pergi haji...
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Istimewanya pelaburan emas fizikal ini ialah kita boleh jualkan ketika kemuncak emas sedang naik. Tidak seperti pelaburan lain (Saham Amanah) yang perlu menunggu tempoh matang sesuatu pelaburan genap satu tahun. Bagi pelaburan emas fizikal kita boleh jual ketika harga emas sedang tinggi seperti contoh graf diatas rekod 2009. Sekiranya kita beli emas pada 2hb Januari 2009 harganya ialah USD869 per oz tetapi harga emas naik paling tinggi ialah pada 3 Dec 2009 iaitu USD1218 per oz iaitu naik 49.8 peratus. Kemudian turun sedikit sehingga akhir Dec 09. Bagi pelabur emas fizikal ia boleh buat keputusan untuk kaut untung pada masa tersebut. Tidak pada pelaburan lain.
Saturday, October 16, 2010
Sambil berbual bual pasal dinar dan emas kepada seorang rakan pejabat, dia ada teringat yang ada membeli sekeping coin pada thn 1971 semasa zaman tunku Abd Rahman. Tapi dah lupa dimana dia simpan sebab dah berpindah rumah sebab beli rumah lain.Rumah lama asyik kena banjir jaa. Saya minta dia cari dan kalau ada saya nak beli. Dia kata ok nanti dia cari sebab dah lama tak tengok coin tu. Maka jumpa lah coin tu. Dia bawa dan tunjuk pada saya. Saya minta beli RM2k++++ dia kata ambillah,,,tapi dia nak bawa balik kejap nak ambil gambar kenangan kat coin tu...Mlm tu dia call tak jadi jual pulakkkk. Sebab apa mesti ada sebab punya..Sebelum ini dia tak peduli harga emas..sekarang dia sedar harga emas dan nilai sejarah coin tu..Semasa dia beli tahun 1971 RM 100 tapi sekarang nilainya RM2.5k++++ sebab emas 916 beratnya 18.66 gram.
Ini bukti nyata yang emas adalah komoditi yang kebal kalis inflasi..Walau lama manapun usianya..tetapi nilainya tetap unggul..Sekiranya yang disimpannya itu duit kertas (fiat money) tulis tertera seratus ringgit apa yg berlaku pada note kertas itu???
Keputusan bijak...bertindak segera dengan invest dalam emas fizikal.
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